How to make a ball from threads

How to make a ball from threads

If you like everything unusual and exciting, do not rush to buy decor elements for your apartment. Try to create interesting design decorations with your own hands, and you will surely surprise all guests with a subtle taste, dexterity and skill. And will certainly get several orders for such creativity!

Very original looks of thread balls. They can be suspended under the ceiling, use as a lamp. To create such a thread ball yourself, you will need:

  • inflatable balls of small volume (up to 15 cm in diameter);
  • filament base;
  • vaseline (the usual cream, butter) is suitable;
  • long needle with a wide ear;
  • glue (PVA, stationery colorless).


So, for starters, inflate the ball and tie his tail well. The ball can be round or elongated - which you like more. Then squeeze the bulb of the Vaseline. This will further help you easily separate the thread ball from inflatable. Plug the jar with glue through (preferably closer to the bottom). In principle, you can not spoil the jar, but to pour the piece of glue into any plastic container and to pour it. If you work with thick thread, use PVA glue: it will better keep the design. And the normal stationery (colorless) glue is suitable for the threads of the average thickness. The diameter of the opening should be quite a bit wider than the thread that you have prepared for the manufacture of the ball.


Thread the thread into the needle and skip it through a jar with glue through the prepared hole (if it was not necessary for the needle, twist the wire and make an eyelet for thread). Crocked thread wind the ball, and the thread must go to bed neatly, every new one's motility as close as possible to the previous one. Leave a small hole between wounded threads (to extract an inflatable ball from the inside). How to get it from there? Everything is very simple! Bush the ball with the needle or unleash the tail. Thanks to the vaseline, it is easy to disconnect from threads, and you can get it. Just do it need when the threads completely dried - about a day.


As for the thread, you can use both thick and thin. From the latter, neat weightless balls will turn out, very gentle and air. But the jute cord can ask the nature of the interior, emphasize the overall style of the room. It turns out textured products.


From such threshold balls, many decorative elements can be made. For example, he can act as a Christmas tree toy. The unique design of the New Year's Beauty is provided to you! In addition, it is possible to build a lamp - exclusive and rather inexpensive.

In order for the process of creating balls from threads to deliver you only positive emotions, observe useful recommendations:

  • buy balls with a margin so that due to a random puncture or failure you did not have to run behind a new party;
  • if you plan to decorate a ball after its manufacture (decorate various elements), thread may be simpler; And if the product is not additionally decorated, take a beautiful thread with overflows or sparkles, color;
  • calculate that about one glue bottle is consumed on one middle ball;
  • as for the thread, one ball is approximately half of the maid;
  • so that after work you did not have to wash the table for a long time, check it before starting the work of the usual oilcloth.

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Making the thickens are very loved by children. This lesson will help combine the family, bring the parents and their kids to bring together, and the result will exceed all expectations. After all, not everyone boasts that he decorated the apartment with his own hands, and even in such an original way!

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