How to make beads do it yourself

How to make beads do it yourself

Beads will never come out of fashion - this is already proven by time. If earlier the beads were mainly made of natural stones or plastics, then today they do not make them. And modern clenchmen managed with their own hands from the girlfriend to make such beauty that they just give a diva. Let us find out how to make beads yourself, yes, so to wear was not ashamed.

First of all, think what you imagine your beads. In this case, numerous sites on this subject will help you, and it will not be superfluous to go to a fashionable shop of jewelry and look at a pair of samples for yourself. By the way, here here There is one of the interesting sites where you can pick up a few options for sample for sample. Review your wardrobe and decide what clothes you want beads and whether they are suitable for her. Thanks to the selected clothing, its style and color scheme, you can already decide on the color, size and style of the desired decoration.

The most memorable material for the manufacture of beads is the purchase of beads, multicolored beads, fishing line, leather cords and a variety of fittings. You can only come to the store for needlework and choose the beads you like. The seller will help you to decide on their necessary quantities and prompts which material you will need. Everything, it remains to ride beads on a thread on the planned pattern, attach the purchased accessories and do the most pleasant - fitting.

If you want to make something unusual and creative, so that your decoration attracts attention and surprised the girlfriends, we suggest you to make one-year-old beads from polymer clay or salted dough. If, for the manufacture of decorations made of polymer clay, you will have to be a little busy on the purchase of the clay itself, varnish, and accessories, then for a product from a salt test, almost everything can be found at home. The process itself is very fascinating. Thanks to these ways, it will turn out to make whole sets of jewelry, where there will also be earrings with a bracelet.

We want to share with you the original idea of \u200b\u200bmaking wonderful beads from wool Using the felting method. Decorations are obtained simply unmatched. Such beads can be made not only from the finished purchased wool of different colors, but also from colored woolen threads, having flushing them. Your beads will look at the most more effectory if you decorate them with beads, and between woolen beads insert shiny plastic plastic. Accessories for this method is mainly not applied.

But a very interesting method of owning the manufacture of beads from sand. This method is very unusual, and the beads received will be called Bahamas. From the Bahamas you can make any decorations. So that this method of you in the end did not disappoint, you need to comply with technology. The sand for this purpose is not only the store, but also a simple river, only it should be clean, without extraneous impurities. Covering acrylic paints already ready beads, let the will of your fantasy, do not be afraid to experiment.

Having some free time and a great desire to create something magical, you will be able to make unique beads not only for yourself, but also as a gift.

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