How to make a bracelet on foot

How to make a bracelet on foot

Women at all times wanted to look attractive and, of course, resorted to various tricks. In addition to cosmetics and clothing, decorations made of metals and natural materials apply. For example, bracelets that wear not only on their hands, but also on the ankles. You can decorate the feet with a precious accessory or a unique creation of your own hands. How to independently make a stylish and fashionable decoration, learn from the article.

Metal elements in the manufacture of bracelet

Decorations on the leg appeared in India. At first it was drawn by the henna and bass patterns, and later - the rings of precious metals. Today there are hundreds of variations of such jewelry, including using thin metallized products:

  1. As the basis of such a bracelet, you can take any chain or broken bracelet for your hand. In addition, it will take a jewelry cable, pliers, pliers and round-rolls, as well as beads that imitate pearls.
  2. Let's start working with a cable or copper wire with a thickness of 0.8 mm, cut a piece of 10 cm long.
  3. Using the roundheads, adjust one of the ends and range 5-6 beads, then regenerate the second end of the wire.
  4. Now bent the wire in several places, evenly distributing beads between the links.
  5. With the help of pliers, fasten the chain, as shown in images 5 and 6.
  6. If you took a segment of the wire about 3-5 cm, then slide on it only one beading and bent the wire in the form of an abstract heart.
  7. Bracelets can be worn both together and individually on each leg.

The advantage of this technique of making homemade bracelet is that you do not need a clasp. It is enough just to go the ends of the wire to the extreme links of the chain.

Simple bracelet from threads and beads

For the manufacture of bracelet in the Bocho-style you will need a bead of the 8th size of two shades and a cotton thread, and Mulina is also suitable. Measure the girth of the ankle and multiply the resulting number on 4. It turns out the length of the working thread. Measure 6 cords of the required length and tie them together. For convenience, further work press the tip of your bracelet to the table. Further, the work is to be the simplest: weaving pigtails of three parts (two threads each). Take the bead, stripe on the left thread and shift it through the average, as you used to do when weaving the classic braids. Next, work in the same way, every time having bispers, before making another spit. When the bracelet length is sufficient, tie the tip and prepare the fasteners. Attach the caps on the ends of the pigtails and picker the carbine to them. You will spend no more time on such a decoration. Hanging different shades of beads, you can repeatedly create a unique decoration for each outfit.

Decorations for legs beads

As you know, the decorations for the legs were used in the ancient times and on different continents. Each beauty found her color combination or followed the canons generally accepted in the tribe. Beads - a favorite material of Indian and African tribes. They came up with a lot of weaving techniques, and later taught them the whole world.

Decorations from beads are popular among modern girls. There are many ways to create bracelets from this material. You can master them at any age in a short period of time.

Weave the chain in a cross on two needles will not be difficult. And if you correctly combine colors, you can create a very stylish and elegant decoration. In accordance with the following scheme, start weaving immediately from the clasp. Take a fishing line or a filament of a suitable shade and secure her middle right on the carbine. Next, work in Figure: Take a bisper on each thread, take one bisper and learn the threads in it towards each other. Next again on one bisper for each needle, then cross the threads in one bead. During weaving, do not tighten the thread very tight and do not weaken too much. After you put the bracelet of the desired length, attach to its end of the ring and cut the excess thread.

From beads

Multi-chain bracelet

It is now fashionable to use mixed textures, colors and even types of metals in clothing and accessories. Therefore, you can experiment and make multi-row bracelets on both legs. To do this, you will need chains of four types, cockpit clasp, nippers and taps. You simply should measure the chains of the desired length, connect them and pick them up to the Karabin. On the opposite side, collect these chains on the ring, which will serve as a clasp Carabin.

With an independent manufacture of bracelets on foot, do not hesitate to use your fantasy one hundred percent. And do not lower your hands if something failed. Repeat the creation of your decoration, and it may be more fabulous.

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