How to weave bracelets from rubber

How to weave bracelets from rubber

Recently, the inhabitants of our country appeared a new hobby - weaving decorations from rubberry. It quickly became popular and favorite hobbies, both among children and adults. The popularity of this classes is fully justified with its simplicity, accessibility and relatively inexpensive price. For children, this entertainment and the development of creative abilities at the same time. The fantasy is developing, the perception of the color range, the motility of the hands, and in the end it turns out a beautiful decoration that you can wear or give someone. For adults, this hobby can be as a relax, distraction from affairs, a kind of recreation with a beautiful and useful result. It should be noted that this kind of needlework became more complicated, new techniques appear, resulting in a rather original ornament or even a toy.

We can weave bracelets on different devices: a special machine, slingshot, fork and on your fingers with a hook.

In this article, we will look at several types of bracelets bracelets from rubber.

Method of weaving bracelet from Rubber "Fish Tail"

One of the simple weaving techniques. First you need to decide on the color gamut of the bracelet. It is possible to weave it like a slingshot, machine, and with your fingers.

  • we take three gums;
  • on the index and middle finger we twist the first elastic band in the form of eight;
  • the last two rubber bands simply wear on top of fingers, you do not need to twist;
  • remove the ends of the eight eight gum from the fingers so that it is born between two rumber thumbs;
  • we continue to repeat the same, put on new gum, but do not twist them eight;

It must be remembered that the bottom gum is raising only when there are three gum on the fingers.
Produce weave to the desired size. At the end we cling the clasp.

Method of weaving bracelet from rubber band "Caterpillar"

Very common and beautiful weaving method on the machine.

  • we take two gum, stretch them on the machine diagonally so that they intersect;
  • already without twisting, we dress the third rubber band;
  • we make two rows in the same way;
  • with the help of the hook, we grab the bottom elastic band and stretch it upstairs;
  • for the opposite side, we repeat all the actions from the previous paragraph;
  • next, add two more gum without twisting and continue to weave, capturing the lower gum;
  • we continue to weave the bracelet to the desired size;

Attach the fastener - the product is ready.

Method of bracelet bracelet from the scales of the dragon

Wonderful, openwork weaving method. Very stylish as a mesh. It looks beautiful both in the monophonic version and in multi-colored. You can weigh such a bracelet on a fork, on a slingshot, but less in width than on the machine. So if you need a wide bracelet, then the machine is the best option:

  • twist the eight and fix on the machine 5 of the rubberry for six nozzles;
  • then stretch to the top through the machine nozzle each lower elastic band;
  • then we turn the extreme elastic bands;
  • we put on three more rubberries on the nozzles with the most extreme;
  • again stretch each lower elastic band through the nozzle upstairs;
  • next, we put on the average nozzles two rubberbers;
  • again the bottom gum stretch up;
  • we put on again three gums on the nozzles with the most extreme;
  • we continue to weave the bracelet to the desired size;
  • we cling the hooks on the last loop.

Method of weaving bracelet from rubber band "Heart of Angel"

With this weaving method, a delightful, gentle bracelet is obtained. You can weigh it both on the machine, on the fingers and on the slingshot:

  • we take 30 rubber bands of the same color (let's say white) and 60 elastic rubber (blue);
  • we twist a white gum and put it on a slingshot;
  • we wear a blue rubber over the top;
  • crochet remove a white rubber band on the left side to the center of the slingshot;
  • from the right column we throw on the left blue rubber;
  • then wearing a blue rubber;
  • from the right column we throw up the top of a white rubberry so that it hooked the top blue;
  • the upper blue gum on the left sling of slingshots is made and transferred to the left;
  • add a white gum from above, you do not need to twist;
  • we step up and throw off the edges of a blue elastic band with both columns on a white gum.

This is just the first fragment of the picture, it is phased to repeat first until the bracelet reaches the desired length.

Take this simple and wonderful kind of needlework, be original. Attract your children's fascinating session and create together.

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