How to weave bane straight weaving

How to weave bane straight weaving

Funches - not just a beautiful decoration, this is a symbol of friendship, which is given to loved ones. They are bracelets on hand from ribbons, threads, beads and leather cords. The easiest way to make feathers with direct weaving from Moulin and Beads. In this article we will look at how to do it.

Purchase in the store threads Moulin of two different colors. The dark thread will be the main, and light-working. To start, make a loop. Fold several threads in half and tie a thick bundle with nodes. After that, distribute the basic threads and remove each tide the working cord. As a result, the foundation will not be visible, the bracelet will turn out to be monophonic. So that the product does not seem pale, purchase Moulin with a gradient. In the finished bracelet there will be a beautiful transition from one color to another.

How to weave bane straight weaving

No special fixtures and machines need. To secure Moulin, use the usual stationery clip-clinche. Attach the thread to the hard surface with fastening and straighten them. To make a number of smooth, you can glue the basis with the help of a tape. After that, proceed to knitting nodes.

Quite often make baubles with direct weaving with the name of the favorite rock groups or with the image of animals. For the manufacture of such a decoration, use the scheme. In this case, you will have to purchase Moulin of different colors and knit nodes in places designated in the diagram. Hide the filament of the main color in the manufacture of the nodes of the drawing can be produced in the main thread.

How to weave bane straight weaving

If you are interested in beading, then it will not work for you to make a special machine. It can be made it from an ordinary shoe box. Take the packaging and with the help of a stationery knife at a distance of 0.5 cm. Make cuts depth 1 cm. Place the threads at these recesses. It is best to pull the line or wire "snake", therefore, it turns out at least nodes. Now tie the line to the extreme thread of the machine and type the required amount of beads. Now distribute the beads between threads so that each bead is surrounded by two stripes. And just stretch the line through fixed beads. Take the thread and continue to knit rows. If it is necessary to manufacture a bracelet with a pattern on the site of each part there should be a bisperin of another color.

How to weave bane straight weaving

There is another way of weaving phenoshek from beads direct weaving without a machine. Dial the required amount of beads and add three more pieces. They will be the basis of the side of the bracelet. Through one beads, make a thread to another, picking one bisper on the fishing line. It turns out a mosaic or chessboard. This pattern is called "Chess". By sticking the first row, sharpening the fishing line so that the harness became relief. The next rows of knit is easier, as the beads, through which the line needs to be traded, protrudes from the row.

How to weave bane straight weaving

Fences are made direct weaving from the ribbons. Take the thin ribbons of different colors. Fold them twice and put the ribbon one to another to get a cross. After that, fasten the ends of the pins. Now wrap the loop of one color around the other end and grind through it. Tighten the weak nodes through which again stretch the tape. Alternate knitting knots from ribbons of different color. It turns out a pattern resembling a cell. Look at the thematic video for beginners, in which it is clearly visible how to perform the simplest elements. Having mastered the simple technique of direct weaving, you can proceed to the manufacture of complex bracelets.

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