How to tie a fishing line to the fishing line

How to tie a fishing line to the fishing line

Each fisherman with special picklight chooses spinning and tackle. But quite often, the catch is broken because of the inability to tie them correctly. The difficulty lies in the fact that the fishing line is very slippery, so most nodes are slipping.

There are three main ways to associate a fishing line with a fishing line:

  • albright compound;
  • stock knot;
  • counter Eight.

These nodes are the most durable and reliable, so even a very large fish does not break off the fishing rods.

The albright method is suitable for connecting two fishing razes that differ in diameter. In order to tie the line in the Albright method, it is necessary to fold a thick thread in the form of a loop and pull the thin line into the resulting hole. It should be cut around a thick cord several times without tightening. Now stretch the end of a thin thread through the turns. Must get a knot with a fishing line at two ends. Tighten both fishing line.

How to tie a fishing line to the fishing line

A streaming method of binding two threads is used to connect two cords of different diameters. He is less cumbersome and thin than the Albright knot. To bind the threads, make a loop out of a thick cord. Throw thin thread into the loop, wrap around it. And the edge pull over the resulting harness. Tighten the fishing line. This connection method is used by sailors.

How to tie a fishing line to the fishing line

The counter eight is a method of medium in difficulty, which is quite rarely unleashed. In this way, you can connect the cords of the same diameter. To do this, fold the thread twice in order to get a loop. Circle the end of the fishing line and stretch it into the loop. Do not tighten. Now the other segment of the cord stretches through all the bends of the main fishing line, and pull the edge. You can pull both segments. It turns out a node, in shape resembling the eight.

How to tie a fishing line to the fishing line

There are nodes "Bloody", "Rybatsky", which are used to connect a fishing line with a fishing line and tied hooks. They performed are varieties of three ways that are described above. Thanks to multiple strapping and fixing, it is possible to avoid loss of catch. Especially often it happens in the process of catching a large fish.

How to tie a fishing line to the fishing line

Having learned to knit the main nodes, it will be possible to prevent fish breakdown. These compound options are used when connecting goods with crane hooks and in the naval.

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