How to tie a leash to the main fishing line

How to tie a leash to the main fishing line

Fisherman with experience knows that the fishing line is slippery, elastic and badly bend. Sometimes she rushes. An additional leash is used in equipment tackle. If it is connected to the fishing line correctly - it guarantees the strength of the node. Tie a leash to the main fishing line reliably so that he does not get confused and a good catch is guaranteed.

We bind to the fishing leash by the "loop in the loop" method

Simple but reliable connection method. First, make a "deaf loops" at the ends of the main fishing line and a leash. Use a simple eight knot. The node is performed as:

  • fold the fishing line by half, forming a loop;
  • perform two turns around the base of the resulting loop it end;
  • stretch the tip of the loop in the first round.

Two loops were formed on the main fishing line and the leash. Connect them and tighten the node in the form of the eight. To do this, simply insert one loop to another. Unfurnished ends cutting. Reliable loop will provide a small load when tensioning the fishing line on the node.

Picture 2.

Bring to the line leash by a node "Nail"

A classic reliable node will allow connecting the equipment of various diameters. Use to connect the straw as desired. Previously, the fishermen used a nail. The leash is wrapped around the main fishing line. Detailed instructions:

  • keep the ends of the leash and the main fishing line to each other in parallel;
  • overweave the ends of the leash and the fishing line. It is convenient to attach straw, but this is not a must-condition;
  • spend 6 revolutions around the fishing line with the straw;
  • schedule in the straw tip of the fishing line;
  • clean the straw and tighten the knot firmly.

Picture 3.

We bind a leash with a knot on a running basis

When using the two above mating methods, the leashes are joined by the end of the main fishing line. But fishermen more often tie it to the body of the fishing line. To do this, use a node on a running basis:

  • the tip of the leash, tie the eight;
  • cognize the ring the main fishing line at the place of attachment of the leash;
  • insert the end with the eight in the resulting ring and overexpose the main fishing line;
  • move again through the ring and tighten.

The tightened leash will be located to the fishing line perpendicularly and will not be satisfied with it. The fishing line will lose a smaller percentage of the fortress.

Picture 4.

Tie a leash to the fishing line with the help of carbines and swivels

With the use of a "deaf loop", equip the leash by a carabin or swivel. Attach the leash in the selected place on the fishing line. You can draw on the contrary: leash fastened to the swivel, pre-fixed on the fishing line. This method will help to quickly change leashes, and the fishing line will not be injured by unnecessary nodes and twins.

Picture 5 (2)

Tie a leash to the fishing line in the easiest way

This is a triple fishing knot. It looks unattractive, but it is quick and quite durable. Used for torn snap. Your actions are as follows:

  • fold the finishes of the fishing line and the leash in one direction;
  • tie them with a simple knot, but do not tighten;
  • make a couple more turns during the tie of the node;
  • tighten the nodules and cut extra tips.

Picture 5.

All the above methods of connecting the fishing line and the leash are simple. Practice at home and you can quickly tie the tackle on fishing. All of them are reliable, but do not forget to make any line before tightening the node, otherwise it "overrigent".

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