How to wind the line on the trimmer coil

How to wind the line on the trimmer coil

A gasoline or electric trimmer is an excellent helper in the processing of a garden area. But, like the other technique, requires attention and some care. Unfortunately, equipment developers do not give full instructions, how to wind the fishing line on the trimmer coil. In this connection, the owners of motorcycles appear many questions. In this article, consider in detail various examples and ways of winding the fishing line on the coil.

How to wind the line on the trimmer coil - preparation

The trimmer coil is in a mosiest head, which consists of a spring, coils and two covers.

  • The first action you need to disassemble and remove the trimmer head. To do this, click on the locks to the stop, which are on the sides of the case, and turn clockwise.
  • To open the mosiest head, click on the side latches, if it does not work with your hands, you can use a screwdriver. Remove the coil.
  • For the right choice of fishing line, suitable for your trimmer, look at the inner side digital designations. These figures indicate the required diameter of the fishing line in millimeters.
  • If you did not find such information, then the maximum diameter can be determined by taking the fishing line and turn it into the hollow hole. The thread should go back and forth.
  • There are two ways to wind up the fishing line, consider in detail each of them.

How to wind the line on the trimmer coil - 1 way

Move about 4 meters of fishing line for winding. To determine the exact amount of the desired material, wrap the rumble onto the coil, the final result should not exceed the diameter of the coil and squeeze out of the edges.

  • For convenience, fold the thread twice, one end makes longer than another 10-15 cm.
  • On the coil there is a separation side passing in the center. It has a cavity where you need to insert a fishing line. To do this, the place of bending the threads are squeezed rising evenly and start the loop into this cavity.
  • IMPORTANT - you need to determine exactly which way to wind the fishing line, for this, find the inscription "Wind Line" on the coil, there is an arrow, indicating the direction of winding. If there is no arrow on the coil of this arrow, look for an arrow on the body of the mosiest head, you need to get out in the opposite direction.
  • Mock the fishing line gently carefully, pulling the thread as much as possible.
  • At the end of the work, take the end, which shorter and insert it into the blade on the coil body corresponding to the diameter of your fishing line. In this work, the thread has done to the blade with the designations of 3.3 mm.
  • To do the same with the second end, but insert it into the opposite blade opposite. Fix two ends, leave the allowance of 5-10 cm, do the rest. Punches are needed so that when inserting the coil into the head, the thread does not operate.

How to wind the line on the trimmer coil - assembly

  • Insert the coil with a wound fishing head, pull the thread from the side blades and tighten.
  • Tightly fix and close the top tire on top, connecting two details with snaps.
  • Before inserting into the trimmer, cut a little ending the end of the thread, to avoid the knock on the protective casing.

How to wind the line on the trimmer coil - the second way

Methods are characterized by winding - in the second method, use a fishing line of two pieces separately. At the end of the thread, make a bend of the brackets, as shown in the photo, and inhalt to the locking hole. Wake up in this way two blades of the coil.

  • If you have a coil with one blade, find a hole for fixing the fishing line in the inside. Insert the fishing line in one of the ways above. After that, wrap it onto the coil, in the direction of the reverse movement of the coil on the trimmer. Leave a small cut of the thread and assembling a mosiest head.
  • When you start the trimmer to work, the extra part of the fishing line will steal the sharp cutting blade yourself.
  • In order not to change the fishing line too often, constantly stopping the work, try to avoid contacting the technique with solid objects during use.

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