How to catch on glit

How to catch on glit

That fishing was productive, it is important to choose a good place for fishing. The pond should be clean, not muddy, without strong bushes. This avoids confusing fishing line and bait loss in the algae. The next necessary step is the correct selection of lures for the corresponding fish. A good demand is baubles. Quality bait performs all its functions, namely shines or looks very similar to the fish; It simulates the movement of fish in the water.

As fishing lure - fishing technique

  • To begin, select the bait and securely attach it to the line. Since fish at some point strongly pulls a bait and can break the device for catching. Use a sturdy and reliable components, such as a double bind for normal line and Palamar for wicker. Using braided fishing line, it reduces the chances of a fisherman fishing line break, because it robust and does not stretch.
  • During pulling the water kolebalok or turntables, reel works smoothly, but confidently. When working with a jig jerky - move, break down and so on..
  • Accuracy can not hurt while throwing ropes from the shore. May prevent growing near trees, bushes and reeds. Also no time hooks got the man himself. Costs very carefully inspect the area and be sure to look up. Good to throw the often interfere with branches that are within the trajectory of the cast.
  • If the line is still stuck in seaweed or coiled in an underwater snag, then, first of all, you need to remember this place. Then try to pull the fishing line, bait sipping slightly to the side and upwards. You can try to pull the fishing line without using bait. If the point where the accident occurred, is located nearby, is worth the distance to wade.
  • fish hooked on the hook will be kicking lightly or jerking the tip of the fishing rod. The next point is very important - a vigorous sweeps and output to shore. If the fish was great, the broach is choppy. Pull-go, until the fish gets tired to move.

As fishing lure - the secrets of a successful fishing

  • In order to understand how best to work spoon should outsmart at least one fish. After being caught should be cut to her belly and see what's inside, what she ate recently. From the knowledge obtained depends on the fate of the future of fishing. Now it is possible to more accurately pick up the appearance of the plot for the spinners.
  • It is not recommended to select very bright lures. In good weather, sun glare can hurt biting. The fish will be frightened and swim away. Bright spinners obtained from the steel and zinc.
  • Fishing boat enhances the fisherman. With the boats have a chance to swim with the point of the point, throwing spinning in different places.
  • Should be attentive to the characteristics of fishing rods. Fishing with a very coarse coil handle will take all efforts to twist this knob. coils move should be soft and light.
  • Of great importance is the sharpness of the hooks. Chances to catch a fish on a hook blunt greatly reduced.
  • It makes sense to think about what to eat fish every season. During the summer, near the water, you can see a dragonfly, mosquito larva, beetle. As an option - to try to catch insects or obtained from a specialist shop. Such insects are made from readily available materials (glass beads, feathers, springs, bottle caps).
  • Instead spinners wiring using a handful of worms, small fish. Fish caught in the same body of water, is used instead of baubles, they do not mind losing.
  • Fisherman gets experience from his observations. If the short lead recording of specifying fishing area, fishing, time, season, then we can come to some conclusions about the habits of the fish.
  • Tin (beer, cans) also constructed a good whirling bait.
  • Pheromone additives attract fish, increasing its hunger. Feathers hide the hooks from the fish.
  • Change baits, try different options!

Fishing predatory fish trolling - is, above all, a fascinating process, hobby, which is difficult to refuse. And if all the details are taken into account in time, a good result is guaranteed. Fishing stores offer a huge selection of different materials LURES. It is also possible to try to pour the product is made of silver, zinc metal, aluminum. Best of all predatory fish takes on a matte white material, it is best attracts attention at depth and less scares the fish.

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