How to catch a pike

How to catch a pike

Pike - freshwater fish, which is found almost everywhere. Catch the fish large size is very difficult, as the pike clever and the tricky. To return home with a trembling trophy, you need to know some tricks.

Catching pike at different times is different. After all, the amount of food changes, respectively, the fish is forced to hunt or hide in the reeds. This kind of fish is difficult to find in standing water bodies or small lakes. It prefers a rapid flow. In the summer, when it is very hot, the potential catch can be hidden in the shadow of the root. Sometimes pike hides in the recesses and pits. It is there that it is worth looking for it. Regarding bait, then in the summer, pike is elected in its preferences. Usually she pecks on her liver. In hot weather it is difficult to catch spinning. In the summer, few people managed to catch this fish on the gloss. She prefers faded bait.

How to catch a pike

In winter, the fish is forced to eat what will have to, so you can catch it almost any bait. During the strong frosts, the pike is knocked down in flocks and swims in places where ice melts. Closer to the evening, the pack is depicted.

How to catch a pike

On a sunny day, it is recommended to use the bait of dark color without shine. Closer to the evening it is worth getting gloss and vibrochvosts. Since the pike in the evening floats to the depth, you need to choose a heavy bait and lower it in the water very slowly. Sharp movements can scare potential catch.

How to catch a pike

The most hungry pike in the spring. At this time she pecks almost all. The place of its deployment changes. The fish goes to spawning, so it can be found in the mouths of the rivers. It is worth considering that you can catch a catch only when for several days the atmospheric pressure is holding at one level. With pressure drops, the fish flows into a stupor and it is difficult to lure out of the shelter even the most sophisticated bait. Active Klevel is observed two weeks after spawning. At autumn, it is very hungry and eats everything. This is due to the need to accumulate fat stocks for the winter.

How to catch a pike

If you see that the float quickly goes into the water, do not hurry to cover the fishing rod. You need to wait a few seconds. Pike initially takes the bait and holds some time in the paste and only then swallows. Cuts sharply by the fishing rod, you can lose catch.

How to catch a pike

After caught even a small pike, you need to find another place to catch. This fish is very observant and cunning. Participants in the pack, seeing the sacrifice, float into secrecy places. Having patient, it will be possible to please your loved ones with large trophies.

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