How to hide roses for the winter

How to hide roses for the winter

Fans of rosary are often faced with problems of freezing their colors. Sometimes, of course, the whole wine is incorrectly selected variety, which for certain reasons is not adapted to the harsh climate. But most often a mistake in poor-quality shelter, as a result of which the bushes are frozen. How to hide roses for the winter?

Frosts adversely affect any flowers, including roses. In the thaw, when the temperature rises above 0, the bushes begin to leave the state of rest, the flow of juice is resumed. But already at -3 juice in running freezes. Due to ice formation of ice, deep cracks arise on shoots, which are called frostsobyans, the inner tissues of the plants become more susceptible to the effects of pathogens and grinding microorganisms. If the temperature again exceeds the mark of 0 degrees, the risk of roses infection will increase. Therefore, it is easy to conclude that the wintering queen should be in dry shelter, without fluctuations in temperature.

To organize the right wintering, you need to know which group your borrowers are. Most of all frost is terrible with chainogrid and plenty varieties. Miniature plants and floribunda are more rack. The most hardened are park roses, in a special shelter they do not need, but it will not be superfluous to protect the root system from excess moisture.

To begin with, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures to prepare a rosary to wintering:

  • Stop feeding plants with complex fertilizers. It is also recommended to refuse from the organications. From July of the month, we bring only potash and phosphoric compositions.
  • The final feeding must fall on the Second Decade of September. The best fits potash magnesia in the granules, scattered over the surface of the soil.
  • It is recommended not to cut roses for bouquets to avoid the awakening of the kidneys, which are located below the slice of the cut, and aging new shoots on the eve of the winter.
  • Remember that there is no time for roses, which indicates the beginning of the leaf fall. Therefore, another condition of successful wintering is the procedure for trimming roses. In the case of plenty and park varieties, it can not be done. When having a haircut, choose such a height of the bush so that it can be hidden under the shelter completely. It is recommended to remove the leaves that will serve for a plating a hibernation signal. The ideal time for this is the third decade of September. Cut and all young shoots, the weeds are also recommended to shorten, but a little.
  • Next, it is necessary to remove the garbage (grass, dry foliage) from under each bush. Since disputes of microorganisms live in such malic places, you can prevent the development of fungal diseases.
  • In order to increase the immunity of the plant and its resistance to moisture, perform roses processing, spraying them with iron vigor. You can also use burglar liquid.
  • The last stage of preparatory work is to enhance the plants in order to improve the aeration of the roots. It is a loose land that does not allow cold to penetrate the root system, thanks to its property to hold the air. At the same time lift the land of centimeters by 20.

It should be remembered that the early building of the shelter promises bad wintering, it is better to get up with the procedure than hurrying. If roses continue vital activity, it is better to wait with such measures, as otherwise kidney can be reeded. Therefore, it is recommended to wait until the first frosts come, and withstand bushes with small minus temperatures (minus 2-5) for 10-12 days. As a result, the plant will completely stop growth. The optimal term for roses is considered to be 1-2 decades of November. It costs to work in dry weather at a temperature of 5-7 degrees below zero. If there was a wet snow on the day before, you need to wait a couple of days to dry the soil under the bushes.

Now you should consider which types of shelters for roses. Air-dry shelter is suitable if we are dealing with tea-hybrid varieties and floribundami. Build from metal rods frame, which should have a height of 60 cm. You can also use the wire. Do not care in this way to formed the cone, and then pull the insulation. For this purpose, such material is used as Loutrasil, Parchment, Cardboard. For fixing the material to the frame take twine. From above, it is recommended to place polyethylene to protect against precipitation and moisture, and the soil film backfill.

Shield shelter is intended for plenty roses. Tie a pre-prepared bush with a bundle, and on the surface of the soil spread the huskik to protect against rodents. From above, you must decompose the bush, pressed to the soil with a bent wire. Then we proceed to the manufacture of 2 wooden shields, the length of which is equal to the length of the bush, the width is approximately 85 cm. The shields are located on the bush so that the design resembles a house, strengthen, using pegs scored to the ground. From above on the construction of a polyethylene film with a stele, paying special attention to the ends. From the side of the soil, make a filling of the film.

Shelter for plenty rose. Tie a whip and fix the column so that they do not touch the ground. To do this, quench the pegs, to which the plant is tied. Make a frame from metal, which has a pyramid shape, and place it around the plant. Continuits with branches should be avoided. On top should be placed fiberglass, which is tightened with twine. At the bottom, pour soil. You can also pull spond and polyethylene, while creating ventilation outstands.

Jute bags. This type of shelter is intended for stumbling roses. The ideal option is wintering shumbling bushes in a dry cold basement. But often the plants are planted into the soil, in this case, it is necessary to build a shelter from the jute bag. Put on the crown bag, tied at the beginning of the point of growth. Inside, it should be placed dry foliage. After that, make the bag from above. For the shelter of the barrel use burlap.

And finally, remember that when creating any shelter, the inner air layer is of great importance, in other words - eliminate the contact of the plant and the material so that the bush does not flow down during the period of thaw.

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