How to breed a rose with cuttings

How to breed a rose with cuttings

Rose is a beautiful and favorite flower of all gardeners. In order not to buy a variety in a bouquet, you can breed it from cuttings. How to do it?

Select the correct flower for breeding. It should be not a Dutch on long trunks and not imported, because it is rare from them with good bushes, even from experienced gardeners. The trunk itself should not be widespread and not too young. The ideal option is the one whose spikes are loose easily, it is saturated green, medium thickness, not too flexible. In order for the flower faster to start to take care of, spending no later than the fourth day from the date of receipt of the bouquet.

Correct the cuttings correctly. To do this, the selected trunk do trust in compliance with the following requirements:

  • be sure to remain two top leafs on the trunk, everything else is removed;
  • the minimum should be three kidneys, the trunk is cut into 1 cm above the upper kidney and 2 cm below the lower;
  • the length of the cutting should be at least 15 cm and a maximum of 30 cm;
  • the upper cut is made smooth, and the lower at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • it is better for the middle of the barrel;
  • the upper cut closes with wax from the candle.

Prepare a stalk to the landing. To do this, put it into water with a small amount of manganese or aloe juice, and then for a better effect in a special solution with a growth amplifier (gardeners recommend heteroacexin at the rate of 24 tablets per 10 liters of water). In this way, the likelihood of a flower germination will increase to 80%.

Ride the cuttings. So that the plant is better leaving, it is recommended to plant it initially into potatoes, and then to the ground. Capacity with a rose must be covered with a can or plastic bottle to maintain optimal humidity. As soon as the first kidneys begin, the flower is slowly starting to drive: first just make a small gap, then increase it, and then open for several hours so that the plant adapts. Do not rush to completely remove the jar, otherwise the cuttings will disappear.

Care behind the cutlets is simple: watering it once every two or three days with a small amount of water so that it does not rot, and once every five days spray the sheets.

In compliance with these recommendations from experienced gardeners, your rosary will be very quickly filled with new varieties. And in winter it is not to lose a new flower, the first couple of years hide it with dry sheets.

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