How to breed currants

How to breed currants

The currant bushes are in the country area almost all summer residents: this delicious and useful berry will deliver a lot of pleasure both in fresh form and in various jams, jams and compotes. And its leaves go both in tea and in various conservation. Currant is very easily divided and multiplied, so it will not be difficult to dilute it in the country area.

The easiest way to breed currant is shilling. Early spring sharp knife or a secateur cut a few twigs of currant and put them in the water for a couple of weeks, you do not forget to change the water so that it remains clean. Very soon, the twigs will give roots and let out the leaves from the kidneys. You can also make shifting in the fall, but then the twigs will have to keep all winter, wrapped in a wet cloth, in the refrigerator or basement in the sandbox.


It is necessary to use young branches as cuttings, but those who have reached some maturity - not thinner than 6 mm in diameter and slightly worn, so their growth and survival rate will increase. Check whether the branch is ready for reproduction, it is possible in a simple way: during bending a branch easily succumbed, but with a sharp bending breaks. Make cuttings for 15-20 cm and with 2-3 kidneys. The upper cut for a couple of centimeters above the kidney, the lower - oblique under the kidney. The top parts of the cuttings for cuttings are not used.


Currant cuttings can be extended not in water tanks, but immediately in the ground. To do this, dig a hole, shuffle the ground and at an angle of 45 ° to immerse the cuttings in the ground. Abundantly paint the ground with water and climb. Ideally, you can create a favorable medium - that is, the increased humidity and the optimal temperature in which the currant is well rooted. To do this, cover the landing place with a film, agrotex or cut five-liter canisters, and make each seedling separately.

With roots

The landing of cuttings is best to produce in the spring, so for the season in the currants it was time to take care and grow in a small bush. After wintering, the bushes can be seeded at the place of constant habitat. To do this, dig up the rooted plants, prepare a place for landing, support the ground, put the bushes and fall asleep the earth, it is tightly tummy and watering.

White trim

Another simple way to breed currant is a reproduction of gaze. To do this, select the long young currant bush branches and just groan them into the ground to a depth of 5-7 cm, taking brackets so that they do not rose. Water the place where you buried the branches, and soon currants are rooted and will give new sprouts. This landing is best done in August, and the next year you will have several new currant bushes, you can cut the maternal branch, dig and dissolve bushes.


Also, currant can be promoting the bush, but this method is quite laborious, and it is resorted to it only when the bush starts too much, requires transplant or thinning.

If you have an adult currant bush on the plot, then in just one season you can grow up to 10 new bushes from it, which in a year or two will begin to be fron. So the reproduction of currants will not cause any difficulty even for the most novice gardeners. And in winter, currants will delight you in fragrant tea and delicious jam.

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