How to grow plenty rose

How to grow plenty rose

Rose - queen of flowers, and plenty rose - the best decoration of your country area. This shrub looks great on the living hedge even when it simply flies its glossy leaves. And when Rosa begins to bloom - it is simply impossible to tear the eye from this spectacle. Many are afraid to grow a rose on their sites, as they believe that it is overlooking the capricious and demanding. In part, it is so, but to grow and achieve gorgeous blooms completely under the power of any gardener.

To land roses, choose a good location - solar, wind-protected, with good soil. Well dispake a place where you are going to plant a seedling. Remove all weeds. Drop the pit to a depth of 1 meter, down to the drainage, so that the moisture is not stored. Then prepare the fertile ground for planting - mix in the pit sand, peat, humid, fertilizer. The roots of the pink bush leave pretty deep into the ground - up to 70 cm, so that it will be needed significant.


Decide with the variety of roses, which is going to plant - which it will be color and size, some features of the care and choice of space may depend on the variety. Also be sure to consult the seller, the graft sapling is offered or not. From this will depend on how well the rose will postpone the winter. Choose healthy seedlings for 2-3 years with several basic branches and well-developed root system. See that the roots are not dry.


A favorable time for landing roses into an open ground is the middle of spring or the beginning of autumn. The main thing - in the fall, do not miss the time so that the Rosa will have to be rooted to frost, then it will actively go into growth. Before planting a seedling, it is necessary to withstand in a bucket with wet sand, and if roses have a root, then you can lower it into the water. In the water, the plant should not be no longer a few hours. In the prepared pit, pour the hill of the Earth, put a seedling on it exactly vertically, gently straighten the roots and pour the earth. Pour the rose and compact the Earth so that there are no voids left, you will inspire the earth from above to avoid moisture loss. Also cut all the shoots of roses to the height of 7-8 kidneys.

In water to align

If you want to plant several rose bushes at once, make indents from the half-meter to the meter - it is better to make the interval anymore. First, so the rose will receive sufficient food from the soil, secondly, the plenty of the plants will be able to develop enough and label their livestock, fence, gazebos. While the seedlings are coming up, it is better to protect them from the direct rays of the sun, for example, a canopy of Arotex. Do not neglect by timely quickening, soil loans, fertilizer and watering bushes, and rose thank you with rich bloom.


For living ingredients, pergol and arches are good degraded roses that give long shoots. If you want exactly such a rose, then look for a flower from the Rambler family. Moreover, having arranged a support for roses, do not sit, folded hands and expecting results. A pink bush must be formed in such a way that it gives out long vacation. To do this, do not leave all the shoots that rose gives from the root - weak remove, leaving 3-4 the strongest. As agrees, replace them with younger. The branches of the second and third order also need to be partially deleted to stimulate the growth of the woven.

Trim cut

Pleet roses must be kept and stroke for the winter. To do this, you need to spend the autumn trimming - do it in rude gloves. Then carefully pull out all the branches from the support, turn the rings so that they do not confuse, put on the ground. You can wrap them in the agrotex, fall asleep with fallen leaves, you can cover with cardboard or boards. And when snow falls, additionally heated it into place where roses are laid.


Caring for plenty roses - occupation time consuming and troublesome, but, nevertheless, the rose is not in vain - the most popular flower. By beauty and fragrance, she will have some competitors. Roses bloom for a long time - more than a month, revealing all new and new buds, so you will have time to enjoy the results of our own work.

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