How to cover Roses

How to cover Roses

Tea Rose - delicate plant, which fears the cold. Typically rose bushes can safely survive at temperatures not lower than -5 ° C. Since our winters are very harsh it is necessary before the onset of severe frosts bushes to hide. In this article we'll show you how to shelter roses of different varieties.

There are several ways to cover roses:

  • air-dried;
  • dry tire;
  • hilling.

If you have a garden growing cold-resistant shrubs, no cover their needs. Enough in the fall to remove all immature shoots and leaves. After that, sprinkle root crown dry land. It is necessary that the bush has backed layer of the earth, the height of 220-30 cm. Hilling method suitable for covering frost-resistant varieties. During thaws stems can crack. To avoid this, pour sawdust bushes.

How to cover Roses

More sensitive to low temperatures are stam roses. For their shelters need some experience and patience. Cut all the immature shoots and bend bole arc. Do not make sudden movements, so as not to break the plant at the site of vaccination. With metal hooks or wooden peg prishpilte stem to the ground. Now you can make a shelter. As can use sawdust, peat or pine needles as a roofing material. Just sprinkle sawdust on top of a bush. It is essential that the stem and branches were covered. If winter in your area is very cold, dig a bole and store it in the basement before the onset of heat. This method is used in case the bole does not bend.

One of the most reliable and expensive is considered to be air-dried way to the shelter. To prepare roses for winter you need a wooden box, you can make your own or use an ordinary container out of the bottle. Cover the timber-framed rose bush, and on top, lay down roofing felt or foam. If the material is waterproof, necessarily cover the structure of the polyethylene film. This method is suitable for covering individual bushes.

The main cause of the death of roses is not laid frost, but thawed. Due to sharp drops of temperature, the bush under the layer of the insulation becomes wet, its root system is rotting. That is why in the coldest regions it is recommended to use wooden covers for shelter. Inside the box, air flows are freely moved, which prevents the depression of moisture and rotting the bushes.

How to cover Roses

If the most ordinary roses grow in the garden, it is enough to produce their timely trimming and pour branches to the ground. Use a spruce sweetheart as a shelter. Inside this material does not cause air, and the moisture freely falls to the root system.

How to cover Roses

Remember, closer to the autumn, try to water the bushes as small as possible. Abundant irrigation contributes to the appearance of immature shoots, which before shelter will definitely have to be deleted. Late in the fall, all branches should be mature, so at the end of the summer do not pour bushes with liquid fertilizers. Do not rush with the shelter, wait until several days have freezes on the surface of the soil. A bush should be under the shelter as less time. In March or April, be sure to remove the tires.

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