How to plant maiden grapes

How to plant maiden grapes

Devichi grapes is a unique plant for the country design: it is easy to survive, it does not require any specific care, absolutely unpretentiously and at the same time very beautiful. An ideal option for landscaping country sites, fences, walls of houses and various buildings in the country area.

It is possible to grow girlish grapes from the bones, but the occupation is very complex and painstaking. In addition, often does not bring any result, so it is necessary to contact him only in the most extreme cases. First, the bones are often empty and are not gluable at all. Secondly, they must be stratified for 3 months, constantly supporting humidity. Thirdly, such grapes are very bad and sick.


The second is a more common and successful option - growing grapes from cuttings. It gives almost 100% result. The shoots of the virgin grapes are very easily drawn, they are freely rooted and very quickly go into growth, releasing new shoots. By the next season you will have ready-made seedlings that can be resettled at a permanent place.


Take an adult escape of the virgin grapes, a sharp knife or a secateur, cut it into segments of 20 cm long. All cuttings should be thick and with alive kidneys. Drop shallow wells, we turn them out by humus and plant the cuttings at a slight angle. Carefully water and very soon cuttings are rooted and go into growth. You can immediately put them in place of residence, but if it is in the shade, it makes sense to plant cuttings first in a solar warm place - to speed up their development, and to transplanses the next season.


For planting a seedling, it is necessary to prepare the Earth - dig a hole in a depth of half a meter. The maiden grapes are unpretentious, but still better to plug in the well peat or humoring and sand. So the growth of grapes will be strong and confident and in a couple of years he will grow a few meters, fully seeing the nearest supports.


Another way to cultivate the virgin grape is the least laborious. You will need a live grape scourge. They roll out a shallow trench, squeeze it with humus, shed and put a whip in it. You can simply lay horizontally, leaving the scaffold of the leaves outside. Another option is to lay a wavelery, that is, one bend in the ground, one above the ground and so until the end of the vacuum, the top is also displayed. Fall asleep the earth and, carefully compact, pour. Soon the drops are rooted, let's give side shoots and go into growth.


From the maiden grapes you will not wait for a lush flowering or sweet fruits - although there are edible grades - but it performs its decorative function by 200%. All summer will be pleased with his green foliage, and with the arrival of autumn it will play red, orange and yellow paints.

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