How to plant an apple tree

How to plant an apple tree

The most popular tree in gardeners is undoubtedly - an apple tree. Survival, yield, taste and variety of varieties make it a leader among fruit trees. An apple tree can grow almost in any region of Russia, except the northernmost, but not everyone know how to put a tree correctly, so that it develops and actively fruit.

Choose a variety of apple trees successfully grown in your area. Do not order seedlings from afar, despite all their attractiveness and attributed taste. It is better to buy proven varieties in the local garden farm with different maturation dates to rejoice yourself with fresh apples for a long time. Annual seedlings are suitable better, but they usually plant a two-year-old village.

Apple trees can be seized in autumn, and in the spring. If you follow all the rules, then the survival rate is high in both cases. Landing in the fall is called - Capture. It must be carried out with the onset of cold weather. In the spring, planting an apple tree is made before the blooming of the kidneys. When buying seedlings, especially in the fall, note that there is no leaflet in the tree. If they are, then the high chances that the apple tree does not take root at all, as dug, she spent all the inner forces on these very leaves.

Prepare a pit for planting an apple tree. Many gardeners advise to dig a hole with a depth of 1 meter, but you first need to focus on the fertile layer on your site. Speak a hole below the clay is useless and subsequently detaining for the tree. The roots will simply die in clay, and with them all the tree. So, dig it is necessary to the depth of the fertile layer, and if it does not exceed the half-meter, then you will have to sat over the earthen hill from above to provide a water space for development.

Root neck plants need to be located above the soil level. The roots of the seedling need to fall asleep the earth and it is very good to compact layerly. That is, each backfilling of the Earth needs to be gently seal. When the Earth closes the entire pit, swipe it with water and climb. Pour sawdust, straw, peat - lying mulch 7-8 centimeters. This will ensure the safety of moisture and improve the survival rate of the seedling.


For the first months after landing, the seedlings regularly and abundantly water the steady water. In the fall for 3-4 years after landing, increase the fertile layer of the earth around the tree. To do this, around the tree must be opened with small moat, make organic fertilizers, humus, peat into it. Each year should increase the radius of the circle, taking into account the root growth.

The first harvest can be waited for 3-5 years of apple life, depending on the variety. Just during this time you will form a sufficiently fertile layer, and the apple tree will delight you with flowers and fruits.


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