How to plant a tree

How to plant a tree

Trees are fruit and decorative, leaf fall and evergreen. At the same time, the rules for their landing are almost the same.

You can plant trees or in the fall (September-October), or in the spring (April-May). If the seedling is very young, then the landing is better to fit the spring - a gentle root system can suffer from the winter turbulence of the soil.

To plant a tree, you first need to know whether such a look is growing in your area. And it may be that putting a peach seedling, later it turns out that the tree does not withstand the winter temperatures of this region.

Deciding with the type of tree, for him you need to dig a hole. In diameter and depth, it should be two or three times more than the root seedling system. If the terrain is very wetlands, then at the bottom of the pit it is necessary to lay a layer of drainage from the broken brick. Then pour the land of the earth. Place the seedling so that the roots fluently lay on the earthen elevation. It happens that the roots of the seedling are very dry. Then before planting, cutting their tips with a sharp secateur and moisturize with ordinary water. To prevent the root system diseases, hold the seedling of 2-3 hours in a weak solution of manganese.

Now fall asleep the roots of the dug-out earth, mixed with a motor or peat (proportion of 1/1) - the store chemical fertilizers to the young treet is contraindicated. Fall asleep the roots half, well, sprinkle the seedling. After a complete absorption of water into the ground, fall asleep the remaining part of the pit. Get together once again and if necessary - plunge more land. Warm down A robust circle of any suitable material, in addition to coniferous chips.

Make sure that the root shack of the tree is at the ground level. If the neck is clearly visible on the neck (a peculiar thickening at the bottom of the trunk), then it must be oriented strictly south.

If the village is very thin, then it must be tied to a safety peg. Drink a long stick to the pit, a little more than half of the height of the seedling. Stick it up before you pour an earthen hill. Putting the village next to the insuruction peg, tie a wide tissue ribbon to it. To the tape does not fall down, tie it eight.

So you planted your first tree. Do not forget to water it, loosen the soil around it and remove weeds. And after a few years, it will definitely thank you with a generous harvest of cherries, apples or apricot.

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