How to plant a Christmas tree

How to plant a Christmas tree

Green plantings please our eyes from spring to autumn, but there is no limit to perfection. To year-round on your site there was something green, you can land on it. Despite the fact that the Christmas trees are seriously leaving, they are rather unpretentious to the ground, therefore grow can practically be in any soil.

Decide with the place where you want to plant a fir, do not care when it grows up, then there are no places for the beds in her shadow, and it will be necessary for a lot of nutrients. Therefore, if you have a small plot, think twice before planting spruce on it. Or choose decorative instances that do not grow large.

Sunny place

The seedling of the Christmas tree is best to buy in the horticultural economy, and not bring from the forest. Again, for compactness considerations, there are few people on the plot, a 20-meter tree is so necessary. Yes, and specially grown christmas trees are better. Choose a strong two-year seedling, be sure to with a large room. This contributes to better survival. Pay attention to the state of the roots, if the Christmas tree did not dug in you, then the roots should be inspected. If the tips are white, everything is in order - they are alive and active.


Singing the Christmas tree in the late autumn, already on the light frost. Either at a very early spring, when the kidney of the plant is still sleeping. Remember that Christmas trees are trees oriented on the sides of the world. That is, if spruce grew by one side to the north, the same side of it and you should land. It is best to bind to one of the branches ate a landmark indicating the north.


Dock a deep hole - approximately 1 meter or deeper, the same diameter - necessarily make drainage from stones, gravel and sand, pour the pit of fertile land, compost, humus. You can add fertilizers. When you dig a pit, look carefully where your clay layer begins. If the height of the fertile layer is less than 50-60 cm, then it is better not to deepen too, and make a bulk hill. Otherwise, the Christmas tree, having lived a couple of years, just wages because of the rotation of the root system.

Place the Christmas tree, along with a clod of earth in the middle of the hole with fertile soil and gently flatten all the roots. If you do not have enough space, then you need to expand the pit, tree should fit easily. Fill the earth and compact the earth. If a small layer of fertile, then lift the tree above the ground, and sprinkle until the mound, and then tighten the ground. Please note - the root collar should always be flush with the ground, not less.


Pour the ground in order to eliminate all air pockets that may have formed. If the land failed, dosypte to the desired level. Around the seedlings make a small earth mound, and sprinkle sawdust. In order to avoid tilting of the tree, hammer a peg next to it and tie it to the trunk of a rope.

Spruce in the country

In less than a few years, as you have on the site will grow green beauty tree. And even the new year it will be possible to meet, dressing and living spruce leading dance around her. And in the summer drinking tea, sitting in the shade of pine needles and enjoy its scent.

Comments leave a comment
Ekaterina 02.11.2016 at 16:10

But I've been wondering since when eating plant with a guide to the north? And where anyone buying the planting material seen it labeled "North"? What kind of nonsense?


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