How to plant hell

How to plant hell

Khreni's roots are good in the form of acute seasoning, they improve digestion and stimulate appetite. At the same time, the horseradish is very useful: vitamin C contains several times more than citrus. Although hell and a perennial plant, but if annually at the end of April - the beginning of May, planting young roots, juicy and fragrant roots will be guaranteed in the fall.


For landing on 1m², we select from 4 to 6 pieces of shine of the shred, with a diameter - 1 cm, more than 20 cm. Each cuttings process the stupid side of the knife or a rough rag so that the side roots and kidneys remain only with the ends.


Shovel breathable space under the horseradish, fertilize the soil. To do this, you will need: 1.5 liters of humus, 1.5 tbsp. ash, 1 tbsp. Nitroposki. Soil will become loose and enriched with oxygen.


The peg make the hole at the angle of inclination of 30 ° (almost horizontally). The distance between the wells is 30 cm.

Hearing 000.

In the holes insert the cuttings by the decisions of the leaves up, fall asleep the earth completely and slightly plump, sealing the soil.


Horseradish - not picky and lively, even from small pieces of the root will grow new plants. Having puts the horse in the spring without much difficulty, we ensure ourselves for the whole year by protection against colds and delicious pickles and spices.

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