How to plant rhubarb

How to plant rhubarb

Rhubarb is an unpretentious, frost-resistant perennial plant. He has large leaves and thick stiffs reaching 1 kg. To taste, the snubs are like apples. They contain vitamins, pectin substances, mineral salts and organic acids.

Rhubaries most often sell in the form of seedlings. However, due to the high probability of viral diseases, only verified seedlings should be purchased. The wells landing should be wide and deep. So that the roots of the rhubarb are well developed, and seedlings have grown well, it is impossible to allow soil seals along the edges of the well.

The most common method of reproduction of rhubarb is vegetative. This method is time-consuming, but effective, because Thanks to him, the qualities of the variety are preserved. To do this, choose a good bush, age at least 3 years. Rhizome is divided into several parts so that in each part there was a kidney and roots.

Rhizomes are better to plant autumn (October-November) or early spring (March-April). It is necessary to dig up the large holes with a size of 30x30 cm. Between the wells should be 0.9 m, and between the rows - about 1 m. Fly in the hole 0.5 buckets of compost, 20 g of superphosphate, 25 g of potassium chloride. All mix with the soil. Rhizomes must be on the same level with the ground, the kidney needs to deepen a little in the ground. The soil is sealing, pouring over 2 cm overhead from above.

Rhubarb can be seed in April or October. To do this, add ash to the water, soak seeds for 3 days. Then they must be put in a wet cloth and germinate until the sprouts will appear 1-2 mm. After that, the seeds dry a little. Prepared soil to pour and sow seeds in shallow grooves. The germination of rhubarb grown from seeds is much worse than multiplying vegetatively.

When leaves appear, rhubarb need to fertilize every 2 weeks. For this, bird honor, dung alive, complex fertilizers are suitable. The rhubarb needs regular watering, tidwing and soil looser. If there is no need for seeds, then flower stems that appear in the month you need to cut.

A rhubarb can only take the second year after landing. In order not to start the pencil, the young plant needs to tear no more than 3 leaves. Only cutters collected in spring or early summer have useful properties.

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