How to plant spinach

How to plant spinach

Spinach - low-calorie, but at the same time a very nutritious dietary food product containing many vitamins, minerals. The spinach substances are capable of slowing down the aging of the body, improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system, to have an anti-inflammatory effect. To all the listed advantages of spinach, rightly can be attributed to the fact that this plant is unpretentious: it can be grown both in the garden and on the windowsill.

Before boarding, it is necessary to switch the earth with the addition of humus or other organic fertilizers. If potatoes, legumes or cabbage roses on the site, then this is the perfect place to plant spinach. Use artificial fertilizers is not recommended, because Spinach absorbs them, which affects the quality of the final product. For homemade sowing is suitable for ready land for amaranth: Deciduous land, ferry earth, humid, peat, sand in a 1: 1 ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1

During the day before landing, the seeds must be soaked in water, then dry a little. The need for preliminary preparation of spinach seeds is due to the presence of a rolling sprinkler, which needs to be twisted that the seed sprout faster.

Landing time:

  • If the spinach is planted at the end of August, then the sprouted sprouts will have time to grasp the winter cold and perfectly punish, and the first harvest can be collected with the first warming.
  • The most favorable time for planting and further growth of the plant is April, because The air temperature does not exceed 15-18 °WITH,and the soil is still saturated with moisture, which reduces the need for additional watering.
  • If you have seed seeds from May to the beginning of July, you can get a good harvest under the condition of frequent irrigation, because the spinach does not tolerate hot weather very well, due to the lack of moisture there is a running.


On the open soil, the spinach is planted with rows: the distance between the seeds is 10-15 cm, between the rows - 20-25 cm, the depth of planting - 2 cm. After sowing, it is necessary to compact well and moisturize the soil. For the rapid germination of seeds and maintain moisture, cover the sowing plot by observing material 10-14 days before the first germination appears. The spinach needs a weeding and looser to enrich the soil with oxygen and getting rid of weeds, as well as systematic watering, if it is hot weather.


After 35-40 days, the first selective harvest is carried out - the extreme leaves of the spinach. If during harvesting does not cut the central leaves, then the crop can be collected for another 2 weeks. Spinach growing in room conditions is ready for harvesting a little later, after 7-8 weeks.

The roots and remains of the green mass remaining after harvesting can be left on the garden as a fertilizer. Sometimes for the purpose of fertilizing the soil, the spinach is planted in autumn with a solid carpet, then dripped.

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