How to plant Lrangessi

How to plant Lrangessi

Many valley lilies are associated with the arrival of spring. Little bouquets from Lrangeis sell in May or early July. But you can grow them yourself in your garden, in the country area or at home. Then you do not have to buy flowers or go to the forest.

Lily of the valley love moisture and are very afraid of winds, so it is recommended to plant them under trees or shrubs. But here it is important not to overdo it - there will be no bloom in the solid shadow of the valley. The plant grows perfectly on loose and clay soil with deciduous humidity, sand-grained sand, manure or overworked peat. Choose a place that warms well in the spring, but note that straight sun rays should not fall there.

Before boarding the valley, it is important to know the following. A gentle plant seems very fragile, but has a lot of power. Its powerful root system often survives other plants from the plots. It envelops the surface of the soil by 40 cm in depth. If you want other plants in addition to Lrangess in the garden, protect his flower leaf with slate sheets, iron or other similar material. The fence must go deep into at least 40 cm.

Landing a beautiful flower should be carried out in early September, so that it is able to root well before the onset of frost. Gently dig up the roots of the lilies with the kidneys or leaves in the state of adventures. Divide them on segments of 3-6 cm long with roots and top kidneys. Some sprouts will not bloom at once, but after a few seasons. Therefore, try to recognize the kidneys that will bloom already next in spring. They should be straight, full and not too sharp at the ends.

On the cuts of rhizomes cut thin ends. If you are going to perplex them in bed with rows, make distances between plants about 10 cm, and between rows - 20-25 cm. Drop the soil and support it with humus. Distop the wells in a depth of 3 cm and carefully laid the rhizomes there. Pull the wells with fertile soil. Place them so that the roots of the plants are not bent. The sprouts should be rushed to the ground by 1 or 2 cm. For landing, the valley will fit and seeds, but in this case the process of growth and flowering will strongly delay.

If you want to plant the valley at home, put rhizomes in the pot with fertilizers and remove into a cool place with a temperature of about 2-4 ° C. At the end of January, put pots on the windowsill. Lighting should be scattered. The valley will slowly grow up the leaves. When there are enough them, support the plant by humus. Subsequently, do it twice a month. If the leaves please, die the amount of watering. When the valley is blurred, remove them again in a cool place.

In order for the valley to bloom well and regularly, the soil must save moisture for a long time. If pests appeared on the plants sheets, destroy damaged areas. To get rid of gray vegetable rot, use any fungicide. To prevent the disease and the appearance of pests on the valley, spend high-quality landing, and do not start care of the plant.

Remember that frequent transplants badly affect the growth of the valley. Therefore, planting the plant in such a way that he subsequently did not have to replant again. It is important to know that other flowers are afraid of the valley. Their smell is toxic, so do not add other colors to a vase with a gentle plant.

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