How to plant a cilanthole

How to plant a cilanthole

Kinza or Koreandr is an annual plant with branched stems that reach a height of 30 cm. White flowers, which then form an umbrella with seeds. Kinse seeds are called a coriander and use when preserving. Kinsee leaves have spicy taste, add them to various dishes, salads, sauces. This plant is an annual, frost-resistant, quickly matures.

The main condition of lush growth is fertile, lightweight and weakly acidic soil. On a bad, clay soil, the kinza grows poorly and moves to the skellation. Great grows on thin, sampling soils.

Singing Coriander seeds in mid-April, while the earth is saturated with moisture. To get a few fresh yields, it follows Kinza to plant in 3 stages with a difference in two weeks.

Plot for sowing should be shady. Since the fall, the soil will need to be easily focused. Before planting after the earth will be repaired, peat is made, ammonia nitrate, humus.

Prepared beds are watered with water and seed seeds with rows. The depth should be 1.5-2 cm, the distance between the rows is 15 cm. Kinza needs regular, abundant irrigation, especially during the period of active growth. Kinse shoots should appear for two, three weeks.

To get a fresh, spicy greenery on the garden, you need to trim the inflorescences at the beginning of their laying. Seeds are collected at the end of August and dried in the sun.


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