How to plant peanuts

How to plant peanuts

Peanut refers to one-year bean plants. It is grown both in the flower pots of the house and in the open soil. If you wish, you can get a good harvest, which is ready to collect in four months.

For sowing, any peanuts will suit, but it should not be fried, salty and sugar. To check which seeds are suitable, they need to hold them for a few days in a wet fabric in a warm place. Those that will germinate are planted into the ground.

The soil should be light and porous. To do this, peat and sand add to the ground. A place to plant peanuts should be in the sun, without shade and without drafts. The groove is made in a depth of 10 cm. Spring peanuts are planted after 8-10 cm.

If everything comes down, in the future it will be possible to break through and leave 15 cm between the bushes. The plant loves moisture, so after you need to hide the soil. If the grains were pre-sprouted, then literally a week, the sprout will appear above the Earth.

An adult plant grows up to 30-40 cm high. Bright yellow little flowers appear on it, which live just one day. Peanut loves moisture very much, but when the beans are tied, it is necessary to water the plant less. So that the plant develops well, he needs a space. Periodically, we need to break through the weeds and watch the pests not attacked the bushes.

Peanut ripening ends with the yellowing of the leaves. Plants no longer watered. When they become very dry, the bushes dig. The beans are separated from the branches and leak to avoid the formation of mold.

Before use, peanuts are dried in the oven. Salt or sugar are added for taste. This walnut is very useful for the body, as it is easily absorbed, rich in fiber, vitamin B, folic acid and vegetable protein.

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