How to plant a pea

How to plant a pea

Groke with peas is vitamins, and at the same time the decor of the entire garden. Curly mustes are allocated among the greenery, giving sowing mysterious romanticism.

Sowing predecessor is important for pea. It can be cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage or perennial herbs. But on the site of legumes and peanuts, peas do not deny. After 4 years, it can be treated at the same place.

Choose a bright or a bit darkened place for peas. Good yield will be on loamy or squealed soils. High groundwater, acidic and salt medium are unsuitable for legumes. Fertile land can not fertilize at all, but poor soil should be fed by mineral fertilizers.

Optimal time for sowing is the end of April. For early grades - no later than July 10th. Seeds need to be lowered into the ground within 6 hours after the soil explosion to create favorable conditions for the proposal. But before they need to prepare. The easiest way is to warm the seeds in a thermos with water at a temperature of 40-45 degrees. The duration of this procedure is 3 hours. To prevent sowing infected seeds, it is recommended to soak the peas in the solution of the cooking salt (on the liter of water a tablespoon of salt). Those peas that stayed at the bottom are healthy, rinse them in clean water.

Also possible landed seeds. Peas are soaked at night, which ensures the swelling of the pea. It is important not to overeat in the water, otherwise the sprouts will die.

In the prepared groove we throw seeds, the distance between them is 5-8 cm. The landing depth should be 5 cm. Between the furrows, we leave at least 50-70 cm. For good access of moisture, the land is slightly condensed. Along the crops, we put a low mesh (a chain chain is suitable with large cells), which will serve as a rustic coast. The first sprouts will appear after 7-10 days. From this point on, the peas need protection against diseases and pests, weeding, irrigation, soil explosion.

On flavors and aesthetic qualities, the benefits of pea does not end. It is also able to enrich the soil due to its ability to absorb and accumulate atmospheric nitrogen. This rare property allows us to restore the fertility of the country area, which is very important to obtain an environmentally friendly crop.

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