How to plant corn at the cottage

How to plant corn at the cottage

Corn is a very tasty and useful grace, which loves the same as adults and children. For a set of vitamins, it is not inferior to vegetables. Corn can be planted at the cottage and enjoy her taste all summer.

To get a plentiful harvest, the soil should be prepared in autumn. The place allotted under the corn fertility fertilizes phosphorus or organic fertilizers. For growing early corn, the place is chosen by wind protected.

The neighbors in the garden can serve tomatoes, pumpkin, beans, beans, cucumbers. The most well combined with pumpkin, as its wide leaves will protect corn roots from overheating. Beans are saturated with nitrogen land, which is very important for corn, and for beans it serves as a support for weaving. It is not recommended to plant corn next to beets and celery.

To plant corn to the ground is recommended in mid-May, when the possibility of freezing is passed. If the soil is very wet or not enough for the Sun - it reduces the germination of seeds.

When the place and time is chosen, you should remember the rules of sowing corn. It is better to sow rows with a row, with a frame of 60 cm. The distance between the plants is 15 cm. Seeds are plugged into the soil for 5 cm. Seeds for the safety netting are thrown into a hole for 3-4 pieces. When the seedlings appear in 4 sheets, then the plants thin. The aisle should be regularly poured and water. From time to time you can fertilize a cow and dip.

Upon compliance with these uncomplicated rules, the corn is completely simple. With this crush you can cook a lot of interesting dishes. Canned corn will help in winter truly to feel the taste of summer.

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