How to grow sorrel in the country

How to grow sorrel in the country

Sorrel is not afraid of cold, able to winter under the layer of snow cover. This plant can be planted once, and for 5 years enjoy harvest. Sorrel cannot be attributed to cultures requiring increased attention. But you need to know the basic rules of its cultivation to get a vitamin harvest.

Decide since sowing sowing time. It can be sown in 3 cycles: early spring, summer, autumn. If you drop early in the spring, the crop can be obtained in the same year. If you put in June-July, the crop can be collected next in spring. In the fall, try to plant in October-November, so that the seeds do not have time to germinate. Vintage with such a sowing will be the next summer.

Prepare a bed for growing sorrel. Choose a place with fertile soil. A suitable primer for sorrel is from loam and sandy. Groke for sorrel should not be in the shade. Avoid sections where water is stared. The depth of groundwater is at least 1 meter.

Clean the place from weeds and other plants. Moisten the soil well. Please note: dusty should not grow on the site. The height of the bed should be 8-10 cm, width 1 m, length can be any.

Make fertilizers in accordance with the year. Spring per 1 square. m. Use: 4-6 kg of compost, 2 g of ammonia nitrate, 3 g of superphosphate, 2 g of potassium salt. In the summer we bring mineral fertilizers. In autumn per 1 square. m. Make 8 kg of manure, 40 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium chloride.

Take a stick or pin. Across the beds, spend a line of a depth of 5 cm. The distance between the recesses should be 25 cm.

Start sowing a bed. In each deepening, scatter the seeds of the sornery, taking into account 1 kV. m. - 1 g. Pour from above the layer of land no more than 1 cm. Do not fall asleep the seeds with a large number of land, they may not climb. In the spring, use dry seeds. In the summer before sowing, soak seeds for 2 days in water. After landing, sorrel is spawned after 10-15 days.

Do not allow soil drying, otherwise sorrel will not go. Also in conditions of insufficient humidity, sorrel can start blossoming. Water sorrel only from the watering can, to avoid the formation of a crust on Earth.

Lake green

Slip and loose sorrel. Leave the distance between the plants in 5-7 cm. Riphes between rows every 2 weeks. Arrange the weed to get rid of weeds. Remove root patterns and cut damaged leaves.

When sorrified leaves, pollinate the shoots of tobacco dust or wood ash. Try to avoid chemicals in the fight against pests.

Cut sorrel after more than 5 leaves appear on the plant. The best time for cutting is the morning when sorrel is rich in moisture. Use a knife for cutting, the distance from the soil should be 3-4 cm. After that it is better to make feeding.

Putting sorrel, you will get a valuable product rich in vitamins B2, and, with and mineral salts. From the leaves of sorrel can be prepared with mashed potatoes, and soup, and salad. It is useful in diseases of the organs of the digestive system. In addition, sorrel contains sornery, apple, lemon and ascorbic acid.

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