How to grow ginseng

How to grow ginseng

Ginseng in the people called the "root of life." This is an amazing plant in its useful properties People are trying to extort the many centuries. Now a whimsical guest from the east has learned to cultivate even in the middle lane. The main thing is to create suitable conditions ...

You can breed ginseng on the usual country bed. However, it is important to comply with certain conditions. So, this plant does not accept flooding. Therefore, the soil waters on the site must lay on a decent depth, and the soil fit well drained and the water permeable. Also, strict requirements "presents" ginseng to the illumination of the bed. The plot with planted ginseng should be covered only by oblique morning and evening sunshine. The straight rays of the Sun must be excluded, therefore, as a rule, you have to use shadowing devices.

To grow ginseng, you need to prepare the soil first. It should consist of two parts of a loose clean earth, one part of the compost from the leaves, half of the part of woody pipes and half of the major sand. In each bucket of this substrate, add a couple of tablespoons of wood ash. Also in this primer you can pour fertilizer from manure.

Ginching for ginseng should be no more than 1.2 m wide and 20 cm deep. The drainage substance (as a rule, sand) is placed on the bottom. After that, they fall asleep soil mixture, and the surface is spilled. Grokes should be left for 12-14 days. After this period, the soil should be treated with a solution of formalin, diluted with water 1: 100. It is enough to pour a solution from the watering.

It breeds ginseng exclusively by seeds. They can be bought from lovers who are engaged in breeding this plant. They collect them only when the fruits matured completely. It is worth noting that the ginseng seeds for landing must pass special training. They are maintained in various conditions throughout the year.

Acquired or independently prepared stratified plant seeds must be planted at the end of the summer - early autumn. Already next spring, the first shoots should seem. Before planting seeds into the ground, they should be kept in a mortgage solution (0.5%) for 15 minutes. After that, the seeds are ventilated in the shade a couple of hours.

Sit ginseng rows. There should be about 10 cm. Seeds are placed in the ground to a depth of 5-6 cm at a distance of each other 6-7 cm. After disembarking, the site must be pole and mulched with a compost (1-3 cm).

Before frosting beds with ginseng are covered with fallen leaves or mulched peat. The layer of insulation should be removed in the spring, about a week before the appearance of sprouts. At the same time, the shadow cannons above the beds should be installed. Wooden shields with lumens for 2 cm are suitable for canopies.

Ginseng shoots need to be regularly pouring, loosen and moderately moisturize. After the shoots of Rostkov, after 10 days, the plant should be treated with a solution of manganese (0.01%). Re-processing is carried out after another 7 days (0.3% solution). And once again you need to treat shoots in a month (0.5% solution).

The weight of the root is increasing in an adult plant only after the fruits are formed. They ripen in August. During this period, it is important to regularly allow indirect sunny rays to ginseled beds.

Ginseng is an extremely capricious plant. However, the works spent on its cultivation will be refunded in the stock. After all, ginseng root is a universal agent for treating a huge amount of diseases. Proven by scientists that ginseng contributes to the extension and improvement of human quality.

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