How to plant a rep

How to plant a rep

At all times, the repa was an indispensable product on the table from a Russian man. Recently, it has been unknown about it, although the root deserves that he remembered.

Rope is incredibly tasty and useful. It has a very large number of carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant. According to the presence of vitamin C, it is much more useful than even an orange. It's not difficult to grow a turnip, but it is stored until spring.

The beds for the turnips are prepared in the same way as for any root crust, for example, carrots or beets. The soil should be fertile and loose. It is advisable in the beds under the reputation to make a humus - per square meter will need a hockey bucket. It is better to do this in the fall at the Packet of the Earth. In the spring, a furrow should be made on ready-made explosive ridges, the distance between which should be at least 20 cm. The repairs are very small, so before sowing they need to be mixed with dry sand - it will be more convenient to sow them. If the repa is grown in order to eat it directly from the bed, then it is necessary to sow it from 1 to 5 May. If you want to save it until spring, then it is necessary to sow much later - from July 1 to July 10.


Watering a bed with a future repkah, it is necessary from very fine leaks until several real leaves grow. As the repa is growing, it requires a good watering, and water may already need 5-6 liters per square meter. When 2-3 sheets grow, the shoots should be switched, leaving the strongest. Distances between plants 10-15 cm. Watering the turnip 1-2 times a week, depending on the weather. Between the irrigation, when the Earth will be filled, the turnip must be regularly loosen, so that the dry earth crust does not form on the garden.

Watering new

In order for young shoots to do not destroy earth crushing flea, before the appearance of two or three real leaves, the tricks can be covered with a film stretched on special arcs. If there is no such possibility, then young shoots need to be treated with sifted wood ash or dry mustard. The turnip needs to be filled with organic fertilizer once, for example, "fertility" or other complex - they should pour a bed at the beginning of the formation of root.


When the repetum diameter reaches 4-5 cm, it can already be tasned. Sweet, juicy, unusual tasty. It can be fascinated by raw in salads, and you can put out with sour cream, bake in the oven or add to vegetable stew.

If you are a happy owner of the land plot, do not be lazy - put a turnip. Now just the time when you can also buy seeds, and then in the summer you will try root, which our grandmothers loved so much.


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