How to put carrots

How to put carrots

Carrots - valuable vegetable in our diet. It is rich in carotine, vitamins B, C, E, RR, it contains calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, salt potassium. You can grow such a wonderful vegetable on your summer cottage.

Choose a plot for carrot bed. For a good crop requires loose soil with a slight sand content. It is also preferably to overheat the future bed, and in the spring it is no longer necessary - the carrot loves the soil. Carrots are not planted after parsley, as pests remain in the ground to which carrots are susceptible.

Dates of sowing seed carrots depend on the variety. Early varieties sow April 15-20, the average - at the end of April - the first days of May, a variety for winter storage - in the first half of June. Some gardeners Early carrot varieties are sown in autumn to get the earliest spring harvest.

Seeds to sow prepare in advance. First, hold them two hours in water room temperature. After that, decompose on a wet fabric and cover it too with a damp cloth, keep at room temperature. Watch that the fabric does not completely dry, moisturize it in a timely manner. When the seeds are swollen and sniff out, they need to harden over 10 days at a temperature of + 3 + 5 ° C, for example, in the refrigerator.

In the garden, the grooves are laid at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other and a depth of 2-2.5 cm and compact them. To do this, it is convenient to use a stick, the shovel handle. Then, pour the furrows and land the seeds at about 1.5 cm. Surrounding seeds sat down and press up slightly.

At first, watering should be abundant. With the appearance of the first shoots, watering reduce to two times a week. Focus on the weather, do not allow neither overflow or the dryness of the Earth. From the oversupplication of moisture, the core of carrots will grow too large, or the rootpode at all starts, and in the dry soil, the roots will grow without sufficient juiciness.

Regularly break the ground up to 4-5 cm deep into the rows, so that the moisture is not stored. Simultaneously remove weeds. With the appearance of the first leafs, the seedlings, leaving 3 cm between them. When the carrot is released several of the leaves, go over again, leaving 5-6 cm between shoots. Defrost and breaking conveniently to do after irrigation.

The main enemy of carrots is a carrot fly, which attracts a specific smell of carrots. After thinning, seal the garden around each coastal in order to avoid entering the land of this pest. The smell of the repfate onion is well distinguished by carrot flies, put it on the edges of the garden.

For feeding, use nitrogen fertilizers. Make a fertilizer for the first time for two weeks before landing, after the appearance of germs, hard carrots are preferably twice a month.

Performing these simple recommendations, by autumn you will get a wonderful harvest. After all, the most delicious and useful carrots that they are grown personally with love and care.

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