How to plant lentils

How to plant lentils

Lentils - annual, a wound plant from the legume family. It is rich in protein, carbohydrates, starch, vitamins in the group, contains a small amount of fats, but it remains one of the best fodder and food crops.

In order for lentils better, it is recommended to germinate seeds. To do this, we put a wet gauze into a plate in one or two layers, the lentils in the top of the lentils are not more than 2/3 of the surface. Role and cover with another layer of wet gauze. We remove into the closet or other dark place. One or twice a day, the seeds need to be saved, since lentils at this stage requires a large amount of moisture.

Next to land the lentils need to prepare the soil. Earth should be without weeds and with a good moisture reserve. Suglinka and a soup black soil - the most suitable soil for lentils. Feature the soil is only necessary by phosphoric or potash fertilizers.

Surprise lentils accepted in early May, when the temperature of the Earth is not lower than 5 degrees. Gestroinated grains are planted with rows to a depth of no more than 5-6 cm. The distance between the rows should be 10-15 cm. The landing rate reaches 10 grams of seeds per square meter. After planting the soil, it is necessary to roll - it is necessary so that the seeds have a stronger contact with the ground.

After the appearance of turns, the soil is necessarily harrow to destroy weeds. It is possible to clean lentils only at noon time when shoots are less fragile. The lentil's care is to destroy weeds on time and water culture if necessary. After separation of lentil seeds, he grows very slowly, accelerating growth to the beginning of flowering.

Since the lentil matures not evenly, then it is necessary to collect a crop starting from the lower and medium fruits. The upper fruits can be collected and leave to diverge in special rolls.


Lentils are eaten in the form of garnish, pussy and other different dishes. In folk medicine, decoction from lentil fruits are taken in the treatment of renoval diseases.

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