How to plant radish

How to plant radish

Radish is a useful vegetable, characterized by the rich content of vitamin C and microelements (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium). What is useful in radish and rooteplood, and young foliage. Vitamin C stocks are in radish skin and green tops. The middle of the root is rich in fiber and vegetable sugar. The storehouse of essential oils is located in a thin tower of radish.

Distinguish several types of radish:

  • Black radish contains a huge amount of useful components that contribute to the lift of immunity, has a sharp bitter taste.
  • Green radish has a pleasant light taste without bitterness, suit to people who have problems with stomach.
  • The Japanese radish (Daikon) is very gentle taste and does not contain mustard oils.
  • Redish - useful little radish capable of stabilizing sugar content in the human body.

Planting radish needed on fertile soil with good illumination. For long storage, radish are planted in June. For quick maturation, it can be started to plant in early March, as soon as the soil warmed up to 2-3 °WITH Heat.

So that the rootpode is juicy and dense, plant radish in pre-prepared soil. Preferred loose and wet soil. It is possible to plant radish to the place where potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers were growing. Facilitate the landing place in advance with superphosphate, urea. Grow radish beds.


In the prepared beds, the grooves are made at a distance of 30 cm, a depth of 2-3 cm. In the furrows laid 3 pieces in each nest, the distance is at least 15 cm from each other. After landing, the beds are abundantly watered with water. After 2-3 days, shoots will appear, they are definitely thinned. Radish often watered, loosen and remove appearing weeds. The feeder is carried out in two stages with mineral fertilizers. The first stage - when the first sheets appear, the second - in a month, at this time the root plant is formed. A mixture of superphosphate (60 g), urea (20 g) and potassium chloride (10 g) is used as fertilizers. For one bed (15-20 m), 1 fertilizer bucket consumes.

With proper care, the first harvest appears in April (May). Kornemoplood, depending on the species, can be red, black, white or yellow. And the solid flesh is always white. A large number of dishes are prepared from radish, consumed in cheese and boiled form, as well as used drugs in various diseases.

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