How to grow mustard

How to grow mustard

Most of the majority is associated with acute seasoning to various dish. However, this plant has many varieties that are used for different purposes. Therefore, for a start, it is worth decreasing for what purpose you will grow mustard you. If you need a mustard as an early greenery - grow salad or aysome. White is suitable as a seite. For a sharp and spicy taste appreciates the black mustard. Consider the simplest version of the cultivation of a salad (sheet) mustard right on her windowsill.

We prepare the soil. The best option for mustard will be a mixture of biohumus and coconut fiber. Calculation 1: 2 respectively;

You can enter the mustard immediately in a large container or in a small container, followed by a transplant. As a temporary "dwelling", the mustard should use plastic or peat cups. At the bottom of the container put drainage - a layer of clay, 2-3 centimeters thick.


Mustard seeds lay no deeper than 1.5 centimeters into the soil, pre-well moisturizing the Earth. The pot is desirable to hide the Coflan before the appearance of the first sprouts. Usually they appear in 3-5 days after disembarking. As soon as 3-4 sheets of mustard appear, we transplant it into permanent containers.

Watering mustard should be regularly and abundantly, since the dryness accelerates the process of planting the plant. The first greens, suitable for eating, can be cut off in 2-3 weeks.


Also grow the mustard "on the salad" can be on the outdoor soil, since the plant is cold-resistant. You can start planting a plant in April, and if under the film - then in March. In shallow beds (1-1.5 centimeters) lay the seeds, wipe well.

It is impossible to allow excessive gestures of shoots. For this, the mustard thinned, leaving the seedlings at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from each other. Collect greens in 2-3 weeks.

It should be remembered that it is best to grow with a salad mustard in the spring, at the end of summer or in the fall, when the air temperature is not too high, otherwise the mustard goes into the arrow and the leaves become rude. But frosts mustard suffer good. Survive the plant even with a decrease in temperature to -5.


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