It's time to perplex the harvest, the soul so and stretches to the beds. But what if you do not have a cottage or garden? Exit always exists - you can create a garden at home on the windowsill or on the balcony. Try to grow radishes - the most spring and healthy vegetable.
Choose early Radisa variety. You can get a crop 20 days after the appearance of germs. Such a variety of radishes is resistant to drought and adapts to insufficient lighting. You can choose the following varieties: Zarya, Quart, Carmen, White Fang, French Breakfast, Heat, Early Red.
Decide with the place where you will grow radish. In the winter, choose the window on the south side, in the summer and late spring - the loggia. Since the light day of the radish is about 10 hours, in the summer you will have to cover it in the evenings. The best months for landing is March and April.
As a soil, take a seed mixture for cucumbers and tomatoes. Soil can be made independently, collecting pre-forest land, garden soil, humid and sand. Before landing, seek soil and throw away all major particles. Be careful with the soil, which you cook yourself, it can be infected with microbes, so it is disinfected. The soil is best to shake. Refrain from nitrogen fertilizers to not grow a product with nitrates.
Select containers for radish. They should be with holes at the bottom so that the water freely out. The optimal size of one cell is 5x5x5 cm., The size of the box is 60x60 cm.
Choose the largest brown seeds and soak them in warm water for 20 minutes. Add a manganese into the water to disinfect seeds.
Put the drainage on the bottom of each container. Top pour the ground, leaving about 8 cm to the top of the container. Perhaps in the future you will have to ship the soil.
Make a 10-15 mm depth in the ground. Spread on one seed into each well and plump the earth slightly. Pour warm water and close the first shoots to the first germination. Maintain a temperature of 18-20 degrees.
After 3-5 days, the first sprouts will appear, the film can be removed. Spend a kind of hardening for radish. Hold the sprouts of 1-2 days at a temperature of 10 degrees, then return to a warm place. Periodically rotate the containers so that the plants grow symmetrically. Water radisis every day. Do not forget to dip and loose land.
Prices for vegetables in spring time are quite high. Growing radishes on the windowsill, you will not only enjoy, the sea of \u200b\u200bvitamins, but also will noticeably save.
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