How to grow tomatoes on the balcony

How to grow tomatoes on the balcony

Without its own land plot, we can rummage with fresh fragrant tomatoes by growing them on the balcony or windowsill. In addition, control the humidity of the soil and the temperature in such conditions is much easier, and therefore, the tomatoes will be much less likely to hurt. With proper care, one bush can be fruitful for 2-3 years, giving a 0.5-1.5 kg tomato at a time.

For landing it is better to choose specially intended for growing in the apartment of a variety, such as "balcony miracle", "Pinocchio", "Button", "Bonsai", "Micron NK", etc. These tomatoes are less whimsical to the amount of light and the volume of the soil, as well as small ones. If you have a big, well-lit balcony or loggia, you can try to plant large-way and tall grades: "Bullie Heart", "de Barao", "Cream", "Carlson", "White Pouring". But note that for one such bush you need at least 10-15 liters of soil.

To quickly appear seedlings, seeds are pre-soaked. To do this, place them in the pale-pink raster manganese at 10-15 minutes. Then throw away the seeds that did not fall on the bottom, and the rest are removed, wrap in the wet cloth and wait for it. If the manufacturer has an emerge on the planting material, a special protective and nutritional film, soaking is not produced.

Potato sprouts

To land tomatoes, you can buy a "universal" soil or make it yourself, mixing in equal proportions of black mill, peat and sand. To enrich the earth with minerals, add sidewged charcoal. Before boarding the ground, hide the boiling water and let cool. So you disinfect it, brew and moisture well.

To grow seedlings, take ordinary plastic cups or special pots with a drawn bottom. In order to control the growth of the root system and the degree of moisturizing the soil, it is better to use a transparent container. Fill the glass of the earth, leaving at the top somewhere on my finger of free space. Make a hole in a depth of 2 cm, put 2 grains, pour out the groove of the soil. Cover the glasses with polyethylene film and put in a dark place with a temperature of 24-26 ° C. As soon as the sprouts appear, discover the seedlings and move to the window or balcony.


After the appearance of two-three "real" leaves, take the tomatoes in large pots. For dwarf tomatoes, there will be a capacity of 4-5 liters, but the more space, the better. Put on the bottom of the pot of claympsit or pieces of foam, pour the sand layer in 2-3 cm and a little soil. Lightly injected seedlings, and then carefully remove from the glass with all the land. Place a sighter in a pot and fill out the free space of the soil. If more than one sprout has grown, then leave one of the most healthy, and the rest pliers to the root. Fill on top 2-3 cm Earth and Pour. As a result, the pot must stay free 5-7 cm to the top edge. It is necessary to be able to pour into the pot of soil as the plant grows, thereby replacing the dip.

Watering tomatoes depending on the return and time of the year it follows differently. In the first month of the life of tomatoes, moisturize the soil often, every day or every other day, but moderately. Next, plants can be watered more abundantly and less often. When tomatoes begin to bloom, and zerovy will appear, do not allow the earth to dry out. In especially hot summer days in the evening additionally spend a spraying of the plant with water. During this period, adhere to the rules "Better to Pour than to Nice." But the winter period and cloudy days, on the contrary, - "it is better to nourish than to pour."

Tomatoes are very demanding on lighting. In order not to use artificial illumination, plant seeds at the end of March - early April, and plants place in the south or south-east. For uniform lighting, once every two days turn the tomatoes with the other side to the window. Optimal for the cultivation of tomatoes on the balcony is the daily temperature of 28-30 ° C, and the night - 15-18 ° C. It is possible to achieve such a regime within the city apartment, because the tomatoes are not afraid of drafts.

For better fruiting times in two weeks, hold the plants with organic fertilizers. Do not use chemicals, since the risk of overdo the dose and get fruit, full nitrates. When 2-3 clusses of tomatoes are tuned, remove the remaining patterns and steps to reduce the load on the plant.

Get a bush of tomatoes can also be overlap. To do this, cut off the twig from the adult plant and put into the water. After 2-3 weeks, a seedling with a developed root system put in a large pot. The advantage of this method is that after a couple of weeks after planning, the new bush will begin to bloom.

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