How to grow strawberries on the balcony

How to grow strawberries on the balcony

If your apartment has a balcony, even very small, then try to grow strawberries on it. It's a fascinating case, not particularly complex and very grateful. Having attached quite a bit effort, you will be able to rummage sweet berry without buying it on the market or in the store.

Strawberry can be grown on any balcony, even coming to the north, but then it will need to highlight. It is desirable that it is glazed, but on the open berries will also grow. Keep in mind that on the outdoor balcony strawberry, squeeze a month later than on the closed. For balconies, varieties for potted growing are better. In any garden store you can buy a large-scale or ordinary strawberry seedlings. Large-door: Moscow Delicates, home delicacy, Elan, Alube, Elizabeth II. Strawberries with medium sized berries: Tuscany, Florian, Roman, World Debut. Recent varieties are also interesting because they bloom with gentle pink flowers, which looks very decorative and unusual.

To try the balcony strawberries in the first year, buy seedlings in April-month. Young bushes with several pairs of leaves and well-developed central kidney can be planted in special suspended cespets, multi-tiered pots, long drawers or even in conventional flower pots. Keep in mind that for each bush of strawberries is needed 2.5-3 liters of soil, buy in the store land called "Universal". In every pot or box on the bottom to put drainage, so that the excess water flows and the roots did not hesitate. Fill the pots of the soil and make a deepening of this size so that the roots of strawberry freely in it are settled. Sprinkle the roots of the earth and good landing.

Strawberry is very well rooted, so that days after 10 -14 you will see that several new leaves will open on her tips. From this time, start the plants to feed. Well suited for these purposes comprehensive fertilizer "Kemira Lux" or special for strawberries. Pour strawberries with fertilizer once before her flowering, and when the flowers appear, then you will draw another extraordinary feeder (spraying). Divide any fertilizer as the manufacturer recommends.

During the rooting and blossom of strawberries, water it twice a week, and when the berries will take place, then once. Strawberry does not tolerate the convergence, so it's not worth it. When moisturizing, consider the side of the world where your balcony looks. If this is the north or west, then watering may be required and more rare. On the shadow balcony, be sure to install the highlighting lamps and turn them on for 1-2 hours, closer to the evening.

On a closed insulated balcony, strawberries can be froning from May to December-month, but if you plant the repairing grade. The best today is considered to be "Elizabeth II", which also moves well to a minor temperature drop. When the strawberry completely replicates and stop blossoming, it must be cut, and then hide. Wait for cold weather, and when the land in pots will make a little frozen, put them in a large box with a layer of sawdust at the bottom. Empty places between pots also pour dry sawdust. Box cover with a lid and put an old blanket on top. With winter thaws, open the top cover so that sleeping bushes get their portion of oxygen. In the spring, as soon as the average daily temperature is set at 8 degrees of heat, exhibit pots into light and pour.

On the second and third year, care for strawberries as well as for her young seedlings, and wait even more harvest than in the first year.

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