How to grow ginger

How to grow ginger

Ginger - therapeutic, spicy, decorative plant. The root has many beneficial properties, apply it in the form of a food additive for cooking meat dishes, beverages and confectionery. Sometimes practiced in the treatment of seaside diseases, colds, and also used for weight loss. Buying root, many think about how to grow it at home.

If you still decided to grow ginger at home, you will immediately have to decide where you will contain it. It is necessary to consider one important factor: it grows in a height of up to 1.1 m, not every windowsill will suit. First, pick up the root for planting - fresh, with smooth skin, without flaws. Written, flaky, not the first freshness to use is not desirable.

Houses root place in warm water for several hours, in order to wake up the kidneys. Cut roots with pieces so that every one is at least one eye. Each cut is saved into the ash or pour with chopped activated carbon. Now the tubers are ready for landing.


A large role is played by the container in which ginger will grow. The pot must have a wide bottom and low wall, because the root grows in width. At the bottom, put the ceramzit, so that water does not occur. The next ball is the ground mixture used to plant conventional plants and consisting of peat, delicate land and sand in the same proportions. The soil will get loosely, but it will be good to pass the air and water. Sit down not deep.

There are wishes, thanks to which you can grow ginger:

  • potted with a plant in a warm, well-lit place, but not under the right rays of the sun;
  • drafts, cold takes a bad thing;
  • loves regular spraying and watering, but if you move with moisture - you can lose the roots, rotate;
  • Supporting plants with organic and mineral fertilizers is necessary during the period of growth.

Lovers to work at the cottage can grow ginger in greenhouses or greenhouses, as the plant is thermal-loving, only first germinate him at home. The place where the ginger will grow should be well drained, deepening a depth of 20 cm, fall asleep at first a layer of gravel, then sand, and then the prepared soil mixture. Landing produce, in the same way as in pots, pieces, previously treated every ash.


The landing in the greenhouses start at the end of April, with proper care after a month shoots will appear. You must not forget to regularly water and spray plants. It is followed by a cow, diluting with water in the ratio of 1:10. In August, alternates a body with potash fertilizers for a good formation of tubers. Before harvesting, watering is stopped. We will have a crop by the end of September.

After 8-10 months, the shoots of the plant are dying, the roots can be turned out and use to be destroyed.
After harvesting, clean the tubers from the soil and dry about 3 days in the sun. Keep the ginger in a dry place or in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. You can also cut into thin plates and dry as chips.

Perhaps the result will not quite please in anticipation of a huge harvest, because it does not grow in our natural conditions. It's cold here, cold rains, scorching sun, drafts can interfere. The size will be much less than what is on sale, do not worry, but it's nice to see the fruits of your work.

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