How to grow avocado bone

How to grow avocado bone

Avocado refers to the Lavrov family. Trees can reach a huge height. The fruits of avocado, which are fruits (and not vegetables, as many think) - record holders in the content of healthy fatty acids in the plant world. However, at home, it is grown exclusively for the sake of an unusual appearance and unpretentiousness in care, as the plant is fruitful, unfortunately, will not be fruit.

To begin with, you should buy a fruit. The choice is suitable with all seriousness - with the high probability of sprouts will give only ripe fruit. To determine, click on the peel - the flesh should be rebuilt like butter. There is an easy way to remove the bone. Fruit is cut along, then with both hands of half scrolls in different directions. As a result, the bone remains in one of them, after which it is easily removed.

Holding a bone with a wide face down, pierce it with toothpicks from three sides. They will keep her canopy in a glass. The lower part is immersed in water on 1/3. Water jumped as they evaporate, once a few days changes to a new one. You can also immediately plant a bone into a wet land, blocking half, which is less reliable, but easier to germination. After 1.5-2 months, the skin will crack, first the root will appear, and then the sprout with two leaves. This speaks about readiness for a transplant in a pot. The bone is not deleted.

Avocado does not like acidic soil. The most recommended soil is a mixture of earth for flowers, peat and sand. Drainage is necessarily added to the bottom of the pot for better ventilation roots. The plant quickly develops, which entails the choice of larger size of the pot, as well as the need for transplant annually in the middle of spring.

In nature, this fruit is growing in the tropics, respectively, in care of the increased humidity and the absence of direct sunlight. Avocado is heat-loving, a temperature decrease is not allowed below 10-12 ° C. It is advisable to regularly spray the leaves or pour water into the pallet. The monthly feeding of a comprehensive fertilizer will stimulate active growth and give the necessary trace elements.

If you want to form a more decorative boron of the tree, then pinch the shoots after formation 4-7 leaves.

Avocado is a fairly popular view of houseplants. The impressive sizes of the bone attracts the attention of children and flowers of flowers, causing a desire to try it as the dweller of the window sill. However, it should be remembered that the bone of poisonous. Observe caution, and the beautiful tree up to 2 meters high will delight you all year round.

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