How to grow mango bone

How to grow mango bone

The Motherland Exotic Plant Mango is India, but its various varieties are grown in many corners of the world. Recently, this unusual fruit has become a frequent guest on our tables. It is not surprising that many amateur gardeners are thinking about how to grow mango from a bone in the conditions of a city apartment.

The bone is taken exclusively from the fresh fetus in his full ripeness. To do this, it is enough to buy mango in the store. Cut the fruit in half and take a bone from the pulp. Then we split it and take it from the solid shell itself. From him and we will raise the tree.

As soon as the seed removed, we put it for 1 hour in a weak solution of manganese (literally several crystals on a glass of water). This will help protect the plant from infections and diseases.

For landing, use a potty of quite large size with thick walls and a bottom. The root plant system develops very actively and quickly, and not enough thick pot can quickly split.

Mango is a rather unpretentious plant relative to the composition of the soil. The main thing, it should be loose enough, pass the air and moisture well. Therefore, we will use a mixture of turf and sheet soil. At the bottom of the pot lay the large layer of drainage, we fall asleep the ground, we press it a little. The seed plunge into the soil is not completely, but only on ¾ with a narrow end down.

We put the pot with a seed into a well-lit place in the daytime. Watering regularly, but it is not very abundant that the soil is wet. The temperature in the room is maintained at 20-25 degrees, from time to time moisturize the air from the spray gun. So that the plant does not get sick, sometimes spray it.

As soon as the first sprout appears, and it will happen in about 4 weeks, we make a small greenhouse above the plant. To do this, cover the pot with a polyethylene package with small holes. Next to put the desk lamp and turn it closer in the evening. We continue to monitor the ambient temperature and soil humidity.

After the sprouts appear, and during the year the young mango regularly feed. Once every two weeks we use organic fertilizers. You can later fertilize less - about once a season we pour microfertilizers, we do not conduct feeding in the fall.

In order for the adult tree to be the right form and grew strong, we carry out trimming. This event appoints for a period of calm (autumn-beginning of winter) or immediately after harvesting. At the beginning of growth, we only leave 4-5 main twigs. We make trimming very carefully not to damage the village. Later, just remove dry twigs and leaves.

The mango tree grown from the bone, with favorable conditions begins fruiting in about five years. During the risk of fruits, we water abundantly, but do not fill. During the maturation period, mango watering reducing. In the first fruit, we leave only 1-2 strongest margins. With this approach in the future, we will receive particularly abundant crops and extremely tasty fruits.

Grow mango from the bone is quite simple, the main thing is to always maintain the optimal conditions for the plant. For the apartment it is better to choose dwarf varieties. Search for these simple rules very soon on the table there will be mango, grown by its own bone.

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