How to grow Faicho

How to grow Faicho

Feichoa can be bought in the supermarket, but to disrupt the fruit grown at home is much more interesting. Moreover, breeders tried to make this alien from Uruguay to take root on our windowsill. Feichoa is a representative of the Mytov family. It is noteworthy the fruit with a great content of iodine and the fact that it is absolutely not allergic. Connects the tastes of strawberries, pineapple and banana.

To the Fayaho Seed, planted to the ground, rose, take the most ripe and intact fruit. Then:

  • cut the fruit of the fetus for 2 half and select part of the flesh, because Seeds are very small and one by one cannot be removed;
  • we put the pulp in the dishes and pour water there;
  • we leave all day to 3;
  • choose seeds, they are now easily separated from the pulp;
  • we rinse and dried within 24 hours.

Having obtained sowing material, lay it into the soil. The best time is January - March. Before boarding, careful preparation is needed:

  • Machine seeds in a slightly pink from mangallowan water. Keep 10 minutes. Thus, we will neutralize them.
  • We take a low flower pot with a diameter of 15 cm with a hole at the bottom.
  • We rinse and spit on a hot river sand frying pan.
  • Fall in the pot of Earth taken from the garden.
  • Add sand.
  • Well moisturize.

Now you can sow:

  • we mix the seeds with dry sand;
  • scatter them on top of the soil;
  • spray from the sprayer;
  • we are tightening the pot of the food film or cover with glass;
  • we are placed in a warm place inaccessible for bright light;
  • checking the pot regularly and pour water if the soil starts to push.

A month later, or a little earlier, the seeds will turn.

Having waited until shoots get to the surface, remove the shelter and set the pot on the bright window sill. If the landing was made on the recommended time frame, then the backlight will not need, because the light day will increase. It remains only to observe how Faicho is growing and growing. The appearance of 7 leaf on the plant serves as a signal to a transplant. Then:

  1. We go to the store and buy a special soil mixture for myrth. You can prepare soil for transplanting and independently. Take the Dern - 6 parts, we mix with the ground, taken under deciduous trees - 4 parts, add humus and sand.
  2. We transplant the plants into individual pots. It is not necessary to limit ourselves to 1-2 copies, because fraycho-grown in this way do not retain signs of the plant, the fruit of which we used to mining seeds. Therefore, when the first fruits appear, we will leave the best in the taste qualities of the village. In addition, the grade may not be self-free, and then you will have to carry pollen from one plant to another manually.

As soon as Faicho seedlings have achieved a height of 300 mm, the formation of the crown is necessary. For what:

  • shorten skeletal branches half;
  • we remove regular dry and weak branches.

Every year, the seedlings are transplant to new pots. Some land around the root, it must be maintained.

With the growth of Feichoa, nutrients are destroyed from the ground. Therefore, do not do without feeding:

  1. Corobyan is dissolved in water in a 1: 5 ratio. Replacing this organic feeding on biohumus is possible.
  2. Undercuming makes once in a half months.

Spring needs support in the form of nitrogen and potash fertilizers. Well caught behind the plant, you will see the fruits of years after 5.

It may happen that of all left plants you will like only 1 grade. Modify it:

  • prepare 100-120 mm shoots that managed to observe and have 2-3 leafs;
  • soak them in the root growth stimulator;
  • cut leaves half length;
  • put the cuttings for the film.

There is a simpler way - to dissolve the root piglets.

And in conclusion: Feichoa is worth growing at home not only because of its useful fruits, but also in order to see his beautiful flowers.

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