How to grow pineapple

How to grow pineapple

Everyone can grow pineapple on the windowsill in his apartment. For this you do not need to go to exotic countries to create conditions for its landing and active growth. It will be enough to know only the foundations of the right germination of a green hokholka, and in a couple of years it will be possible to enjoy tasty and fragrant pineapple of home fit.

Pineapple Choice for Growing

Since the cultivation of pineapple at home is possible only from his crown (green top), the hostess must be worried about the purchase of a suitable fruit.

For landing, only ripe pineapples with a green top are suitable. If at least one of the leaves begins to turn yellow or covered with dark stains, such a fruit must be put aside.

Pineapple is suitable for landing, which has:

  • nice characteristic fragrance;
  • green top;
  • yellow fruit (not solid).

If the fruit causes doubts, or there are any damage on it, it is not worth buying it.

Suitable period for germination of pineapple

Winter is not the most appropriate period for planting pineapple, as you can buy a moving fruit (its top just rotates, and not sprout). It is best to engage in germination in spring-autumn time.

Landing pineapple


  • preparation of a green top;
  • germination of the crown;
  • its landing in the ground.

Preparation of green tip of pineapple to landing

In the process of preparation of the top to germination, it will be necessary to separate it from the fetus itself:

  • if pineapple is ripe, it will be enough to take the crown in your hands and turn it counterclockwise;
  • if the fruit is unplanned, it is best to use a knife (the top is neatly cut off at an angle of 45 degrees, remove the remnants of the pulp, to prevent the planting material).

Genuing pineapple

The extension of the tip of pineapple is no different from such a procedure with other plants. In the process of work it will be necessary:

  • trained gear;
  • glass or other capacity;
  • potted water.

The top is placed in water container, put in a gentle-free cool place. After 3-4 days it will be possible to observe the emergence of the first young processes.

Pineapple landing at home

In the process of landing, it will be necessary:

  • prepare a large flower pot with holes in the bottom (an excess liquid will be fluffing through them);
  • to put drainage on it;
  • fill the container with wet soil;
  • plant the top of the pineapple (3-4 cm below the ground level).

Watering and pineapple care

A seedling needs a moderate watering. For these purposes, it is best to use distorted or rainwater. It is necessary to moisturize the soil as it graze, otherwise the pineapple simply rotates from the re-fulfillment of moisture.

Leaves also need special attention. They must be wiped from dust, as well as spray with water.

Since the cultivation of pineapple in the pot is a simple and interesting task, everyone can cope with it, even a child. In just 2-2.5 years of proper and simple care, you can get a delicious and fragrant fruit. Try, your efforts will be crowned with success!

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