Chestnuts are large trees adorning the alleys of parks and gardens. In the spring, chestnuts are pleased with their unusual blossoms, and in the fall - fruits similar to hedgehogs. The cultivation of chestnuts is a fascinating and interesting occupation, which does not make up much difficulty, but requiring patience.
To grow chestnut, collect nuts from autumn. Choose only those fruits that ripe and fell to the ground. Collect nuts with a margin in case if not everyone can germinate. Select only strong, not rotten fruits. Place the nuts in the package with river sand and leave the entire winter in the refrigerator, on the balcony or in the basement. During the winter, cold temperatures will help the fruits to activate the offspring reproduction program.Chestnuts grow well in almost any corner of the world. There is information that they are perfectly leaving in eastern countries, such as Korea, China and Japan. Chestnut fruits contain healthy biological components. They are used in folk medicine during problems with veins. From Chestnuts make decoctions with an anesthetic effect.