The felt cherry is the far relative of the cherry ordinary. She has long been appreciated for winter hardiness and yield. This plant is very common in the Far East, obviously, in return for the usual cherry, which does not come true here and practically does not ripen. In the good years, the bushes of felt cherries are stuck with berries on top of donomose so much that the branches break under their cargo.
They grow a felt cherry from the bones and seedlings derived from cuttings, or chains. The root increase she does not give in contrast to the usual cherry. Since the cherry plant is a bone, then in vaccination does not need it, and it can be grown even from ordinary bone to a mature fruiting bush, but without preserving the variety. It must be remembered that the cherry plant is self-visible, that is, in order for the harvest, you need a minimum of two bushes of different varieties that are able to overstate.
To get a good varietal plant, you need to buy a sapling in a special nursery. Bushes grown from stones will retain species, but they can lose varieties and benefits.
Choose a place to fit the Cherry bushes - light, with a well-drained earth. If the soil is on your area sour, then enter the lime before planting. Drop the pit depth to half a meter and the same in diameter, make a humus and peat. Kust roots Lower to the clay bolt and, whether to sit, sit. Fall off the land, compact and carefully paint - then climb the earth. It is best to plant a cherry in the spring before the kidneys will be revealed, but in September, so that the bush can be rooted. The distance between the bushes of different varieties is better to do about 2 meters.
Upon reaching the age of fruiting, the bushes need to cut every year, leaving 10-12 shoots. Old branches whose age exceeds 5 years, delete, they will still stop fruit from old age. If the branches have been sooohed, began to dry, they are amazed to remove them immediately and burn.
The felt cherry is subject to diseases, so it is necessary to regularly conduct it processing from diseases and pests. Cut old and damaged branches, three times for the season spray shrubs with a solution of the bordeaux mixture, to carry out the processing of fungicides - in one word do not neglect preventive measures.
Felt cherry is a drought-resistant plant, but to obtain a good harvest it is necessary to pour at least several times per season. In addition, during the first years of life, it is necessary to make nitrogen fertilizers every year, and once in 5 years to hold the loss of soil.
Berries of felt cherries are inferior to the taste of the cherry ordinary, but it is very tasty in compotes. In addition, you can make excellent juices and jams. The mature fruits of the felt cherry are extremely poorly transporting transportation, so collect them without waiting for full ripeness when the size reaches the maximum, and the berries will be completely painted.