Quince is not too widespread in our gardens. Often, gardeners are afraid to plant it, counting the tree is too thermalized. Indeed, initially Quince was grown only in the southern republics. Today, varieties are bred, which can be successfully grown in any garden.
Quitting Quicks in a vegetative way. It can be root offspring, vertical gag or vaccination. The vaccination should be made early in the spring when the trees have a very weak slop.
If the quince to multiply vertical tanks, then the abundant tanks are sandpaper separately from the uterine plant into a well-fertilized soil. From spring to autumn, the young escape does not touch, but only loose around it the soil and watered. Late in the fall, the escape is cut off, leaving 5 cm tall over the ground with a height of 5 cm. In the spring, the tanks constantly plunge so that he has a powerful root system, and the crown began to form. The next spring the young village can be planted at a permanent place.
If the gardener has no experience of vaccinations and grains, the young quarrel quince can be bought in the garden nursery. Today Ivyi varieties have a lot, and at least three of them should be planted. A variety that is suitable for cooking delicious jam - usually it is very large tart fruits. The second grade is for food in a fresh form, such a quince has a weak tartness and amazing aroma. And it is necessary to purchase a decorative Japanese quince, which blooms orange inflorescences. The fruits of its beautiful lemon color to taste bitterly acidic and are not used in food. But they will hang all winter on the branches, surprising surrounding their summer views.
Quince grows well on rich soils, so before landing costs special attention to the soil. If the soil is sandy or loamy, it must be made by a humorier or compost.
It is necessary to plant quince at the most sunny place, while it should be protected from winds that can freeze the village in winter. Quince tolerates drought well, but if there is an opportunity, the tree should be regularly water. The first time to pour is recommended before flowering, the second - in mid-June, the third - in September. Very young trees do not need to water in September, so they will raise new shoots faster.
Starting from the second year, the quince tree must be formed to prevent it too much height. The best formation is two-tier. At the same time, the first tier should consist of four skeletal branches, and the second one from two. Flowers are formed on the shoots of annual branches. In order for Quince to be well bloom and started, weak and damaged shoots need to be deleted.
In the spring of quince it is necessary to feed the complex mineral fertilizer for fruit trees. In order for the tree to be attacked by pests, it is worth a spraying with special protective agents.
For the winter, the young trees should be good to defeat Loutrasil - it is an agrofiber that will protect against frosts. The trunk must be wrapped with pieces of toli or special protective material - it will be already protecting from the hares who are very fond of a young bark in winter.
It turns out that the cultivation of quince is not too complicated. And if you put it, it will be many years to please you with wonderful fruits and your decorative species.