How to grow passiflora

How to grow passiflora

Passiflora - "Favorite" of many flowerflowers. With proper cultivation and proper care, this unpretentious luxury liana will delight the stable blossom of indescribable beauty.

The optimal time for breeding passiflore seeds is the end of February - the beginning of March. Planting material must be properly prepared for sowing. Seeds of this liana have a sufficiently dense shell, which prevents the absorption of moisture, so they will be scaryed for better germination - slightly rub in fine sandpaper or nail file.


For better germination, the scarified seeds fall asleep into a container with heated water. After 24 hours, the pop-up seeds are separated, and the remaining stacked in a small container and poured with a small amount of three-percent hydrogen peroxide - thanks to this procedure, the rigid seed sheath cracks. The seeds of passiflora with the bunting shell gently placed in a glass jar and poured with a special solution - 50 drops of hydrogen peroxide are added in 100 ml of pure water. The jar is closed with a lid and put for seven days in a dark, but warm place.

Passiflora replacement

Open the jar with the landing material only when the first sprouts appear. The proceeding seeds are carefully getting tweezers, which is previously covered with boiling water, and planted into separate cups with a prepared soil. For soils take the same amount of sand, peat, turf soil and leaf land. The cooked substrate is scattered with a thin layer (1-2 cm) on the contradiction and placed in the oven breathed to 200 ° C for 10-15 minutes for disinfection.


Cups with seeded seeds Passiflora are placed in a light warm place (23-25 \u200b\u200b° C) and gently covered with a transparent film. Additional artificial lighting lamps contributes to the best germination of seeds. To avoid rot and mold, crops must be used daily for 5-7 minutes. The soil is moderately sprayed. As soon as the first shoots appear - the film is removed.


In the presence of the first two sheets, seedlings passiflora are transplanted into separate pots for further cultivation. They must be picked up by complex mineral fertilizers that are designed for indoor flowering plants. Plants need to provide maximum lighting and moderate air temperature. It is important to remember regular spraying and moderate irrigation - dryness and excessive moisture are equally disadvantaged for seedlings of passiflora (in winter it is watered more than once a week).


Over time, the seedlings will come the phase of active growth, the number of leaves will increase, "musty" will appear, so in each pot it is necessary to install a backup for the strongest shoots of the plant. Prochetic stalks of passiflores only from the second year of life.


A little labor and patience - and the passiflora will become a worthy and stylish decoration of your home and a paleryman.

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