How to grow kiwi

How to grow kiwi

Kiwi is a very interesting berry outwardly and in its characteristics. It combines the taste of melon, banana, apples, pineapple, strawberries and gooseberries. The vitamin composition of Kiwi is simply unique, it can be called "vitamin bomb". Positive nutritional and taste, as well as the presence of a huge number of balanced vitamins makes this product valuable and in demand. How to grow this extraordinary and tasty berry yourself?

You can grow kiwi in several ways: from seeds (which is the easiest), stalling and root siblings. Fruit grafting seedlings begin for the fourth year, and a full yield of Liana gives you to the seventh year of life. To obtain fruits for one male sprout, it is necessary to land 5-6 female, as the reproduction of Kiwi separately (doubly), but you will not be able to determine which floor of your liana.

Make a landing kiwi is better in the period from March to May. In the absence of opportunity to purchase cuttings or root siblings, buy a good ripe berry fruit in the store. Remove the pulp with seeds and rinse it several times in water (for cleansing bones from Cashitz).

After that, for 2-4 hours, dry the seeds, laying them on the napkin, toilet paper or paper towel. Further, wrap the bones in the rut, put in the saucer and fill with hot water (80 degrees), so that the liquid does not appear when the container is inclined. All this cover with a plastic bag and put on the sunny window sill. Unleash the film overnight, and in the morning the liquid topping, reveal again.

After a week and a half, planted in the prepared soil the proceeding seeds. Substrate Choose a special - for tropical lian. Take the bone landing tray higher (2-3 cm), since Kiwi develops very quickly. With an excess of seed, you can not spare - then it is easier to cut forward. Make a deepening for 1 cm and put it in 2-3 seeds. Pour the ground and plenty of water to the room temperature. After completing the landing, cover the tray of the film and put on the solar place. Once a day, open the film for the influx of fresh air. If necessary, water the soil.

When the first shoots appear (about a week), the ground is no longer necessary to cover the ground. Care at this stage of Kiwi growth is watering and making once a week fertilizer for indoor plants. Upon reaching 2-3 developed leaves from the sprouts, the Grokes move (it is necessary to do this in this period, since with a rapidly developing surface root system, then it will be problematic) - remove all non-prospective and weak sprouts.

When the plants are 5-6 full-fledged leaves (about a month after the seed landing in the ground), select the strongest and developed, transfer them into separate containers. Sprouts hold in a well-lit place, protecting leaves from direct sunlight on them.

Plants in the open soil to achieve a stable warm spring weather (as Kiwi does not tolerate later frosts and strong winds), according to a 5-meter scheme. In each well, contribute 200 grams of potash-phosphoric fertilizer. Next, during the season, fertilize Kiwi up to three times - before the beginning of the growing season when the frosts are passed, and at the end of September.

In summer, Liana water and spray and spray. The best solution to moisture savings for the root system will be the mulching of the soil.

Mandatory care for the cultivation of Kiwi will be pruning plants and proper formation of lianas (so that in the future there was a good bookmark for fruiting). In the summer, the crown should be discharged, but it is necessary to do it carefully, so as not to disturb the balance in the formation of the entire plant. Leave only powerful and not damaged shoots. The top of the plant pinch, as Liana can grow very high. Late in the fall, remove all the old branches, leave only young shoots.

At home, it is not difficult to grow kiwi, especially since this plant is not subject to illness and is quite well able to transfer the cold season. Experiment and in a few years you can enjoy this useful, independently grown berry.

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