Poroschka - a perennial herbaceous plant, tasty, rare, cooling berry. It is desirable to grow in northern terrain or in the cold regions of our country. It is possible to get a normal yield of berries only by planting a cloudberry from seedlings purchased in the store or dug in the forest. The bushes from the seed, if they grow up, then fruit will most likely not. So, to grow cloudberries, you need to act like this.
Buy seedlings not imported varieties or dig into the forest several bushes, with a lump of land. Transport bush from the forest is better in the paper package, in it and try to once again not injure the roots.

Brushes berries, reaching their maturity, become bright orange, with amber glitter. These are the only fruits that are red when immature. The brighter than the berry, it is sweeter and more useful. Of these, you can cook jam, morse, jam, twisted with sugar, fresh berries are stored for no more than three days.