Kalina has long been known for its healing qualities. This berry helps to normalize increased blood pressure, improves liver operation, strengthens immunity, thanks to the vitamins C and R. Infusion of leaves and berries - a great remedy for sore throat. Kalin juice can be used to improve skin condition.
In the country area, you can grow a potassium from seeds, but they have a very low level of germination. For landing, viburnum can be used in June cuttings or adult plants processes. But the easiest way to do this by buying ready-made seedlings.
Kalina seedlings can be planted both in spring and autumn. A landing place should be open and moisturized. It is necessary to dig a holes, a diameter of 60 m and a depth of 0.5 m. If landing is planned for several bushes, the distance between the pit should be 1.5 m.
A fertile layer of soil must be mixed with 1 bucket of peat or vegetable humor, 0.5 tbsp. sulfur of potassium, 1 tbsp. Superphosphate and 2 tbsp. l. urea. Instead, you can use the finished fertilizer "nitroposka" to add 2 tbsp. In every pit. The last ingredient is the Dolomitic flour.
Pooze on a 2/3 well mixed with a mixture, pour 3-4 buckets of water and leave for a week. The remaining mixture of the Earth and fertilizers pour into the pit of a buccogon at 10-12 cm. Top to put a seedlove, fall asleep its land, compact the soil and pour.
Busta Busta need a weekly watering (3-4 buckets of water on the bush). Fertilize Kalina is better dry fertilizers, scattering them under each bush. The first time Kalina should be contacted when the first leaves will be blown (2 tbsp. Urea). The second time, Kalina needs feeding before flowering: 0.5 bank of ash or 2 tbsp. l. Potassium sulfate. After flowering, the third feeding must follow (2 art. L. Nitroposki). After harvesting, in October, it is necessary in 10 liters of water to dilute 2 tbsp. l. Potassium sulfate and 3 tbsp. l. Superphosphate. Make 2 buckets for each bush.
So that the berries lose their bitterness a little, they need to collect them after frost. For the winter, Kalina can be frozen or sued. Vintage vibrations to the spring is stored.