To raise a nutty garden from the seeds, you will have to stock up random patience. However, the long-term process of cultivation is compensated by weighty advantages - in the sultry heat, high trees with a thick spreader crown will reliably protect against the scorching sun, and in the fall "carot" with delicious and healthy fruits.
The germination of nuts is preserved for 10-12 months, so seed fruits from the crop of this year are chosen for the extension. From the total number of ripe nuts of the right shape with a dense outer outer-chipboard of a greenish shade. After collecting, the seed material is cleaned from the outer shell and briefly lowered into a bucket with water - the most suitable for subsequent germs are considered to be lower on the bottom of the nuts. Further, high-quality fruits are dried at a temperature of + 20-22 ° C and stored in a cool dry place.
So that the seeds gave full-fledged sprouts, it is necessary to carry out artificial stratification. In late January - early February, the nuts selected for the extension are placed in a container filled with wet sand or sawdust, and withstand 90-100 days at a low positive temperature (0-6 ° C). For storage, the lower shelf of the refrigerator, cellar or basement will fit. During the stratification, the filler of the container periodically moisturizes, not allowing its complete burden.
Since the end of April, the prohibited nuts are transplanted into pots or small drawers with fertile soil. The optimal distance between the seeds is about 0.5-0.6 m, the sealing depth is up to 10 cm. When landing, nuts are laid on its side so that the root system develops in the right direction, then cheer and watered. After that, planting tanks move to a warm and bright place.
For transplantation to open soil, two-year seedlings with a strong barrel and a powerful root system are suitable, while the height of the young has no importance. Drop the young tree very carefully, trying not to damage the side roots. Before the direct transplantation, the underground part of the plant is treated with a root stimulant, and the main vertical root is slightly shortening by the secateur to 25-30 cm. The cut slicer is necessarily disinfected - puffed wood or lubricate thick clay.
Walnut trees do not tolerate tightness, so when landing between seedlings, the interval 5-7 m is kept between seedlings. Exemplary dimensions of each landing pit - 80 x 80 x 80 cm. To stimulate the growth of the lateral roots, the bottom of the pit is necessarily lined with a cut of dense polyethylene. A layer of fertile soil with neutral acidity mixed with superphosphate and humus or compost is poured onto the bottom of the pit. Then the plant is installed in the recess and the confined roots are neatly straighten. At this stage, a metal peg is fixed in the pit for the subsequent garter of young.
After that, the seedlock is cheered so that the root cervix rose above the soil level by about 2 cm, and the upper roots were at a depth of 5-7 cm from the surface of the soil. Each plant after the transplantation is tied up to the peg and wipes abundantly. To prevent the degradation of the root system, the rolling circle is periodically sprinkled with soil and generously mulched by foliage, peat crumbs or sawdust.
Subsequent care for young individuals is regular irrigation in the spring-summer time (at least 1-2 times a month) and timely fertilizers during the off-season. For feeding, phosphorus-potash and nitrogen additives are chosen: the first make strictly after harvest, and the second - exclusively to the fruction of the tree, otherwise these fertilizers may cause bacteriosis. The first two spring after the transplant is carried out by sanitary and forming crown crowns - remove dry and damaged branches, the sections of the sections are treated with garden water.
With seed reproduction, nut trees begin to fully fruit from 7-8 years of age, that is, 5-6 years after the transplantation to the open ground.